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Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies


Issues: Employment & Leisure

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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The Issue of Pay Equity & the Alleged Pay Gap


American Psychological Association and Why Men Should Go to University

Andy Murray, Defender of Truth and Sex-War Hero

Anti-Male Discrimination

Bad Money Driving Out Good: Police Bias, Sexism, Stupidity and Incompetence

Building Lies Atop Lies

Chen/Palmer Doesn't Understand Human Rights!

"Common Sense" replaces Democracy.

Cómo el matriarcado neozelandés aumenta el precio de la vivienda

Coup d'Etat by Journalism Schools

Crusher Collins Crushes Another Man!

Dedicating My Next Book to Jacinda Ardern

De-Dumbing Up: Rolling Back Feminism and Liberating Men

Double Standards in Sport and Employment

Double Standards in the US Military

Dyldomedia Angry at Police Insubordination

Discrimination is always Negative.


Employment and Sexual Harassment Resources

Employment Issues and the "Women Can Do Anything" Lie

Equality for Hermaphrodites (and Everyone Else)

Equality for Men in Brazil's Bahia State Military Police

Europa no ve a los hombres

Europa no ve a los hombres (versión corta)

Expulsion of Jan Logie from Parliament

Families Better off with Income Splitting

Fascism of the EU Parliament's President

Fascist phrase "Equality for Women" and the Paradox of the Axe

Female Leaders and the Coronavirus

Female Power and Control through the Service Sector

Female Promiscuity: Annotated Transcript of Bettina Arndt's video about Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern

Femi-Fascist TV3 Censors Blog Comment.

Feminisation of Jobs in France since the sixties

Feminism, Brains and the Workplace

Feminist Politics of Science

Feminism’s clay feet exposed on British television

Feminists 41 Rugby Union 13: the Stripper beats the Strippers

Gender Equity and Efstratiou v Glantschnig

Get a Female CEO and Halve Your Share-Price!

Government Hypocrisy and One Law For All

Happy Wife; Happy Life: Academic Patriarchs as both Victims and Perpetrators of Female Supremacism

Human Rights Commission supports Protest at Sexist Advertisement.

Incompetent Dr. Russel Norman

In Praise of Peter Conroy

In the Name of Equity: The Destruction of the American Male

Irrational Women and Child Discipline

Left Dishonourable Minister proves that a Woman's Place is in the Home

Lesbian National Party

Letting Men Off the Feminists' Meat-Hooks

Linda Clark and the Discriminatory Law Firm, Dentons Kensington Swan

Lo que se mide se hace

Lying Female Witnesses

Lynda the Man-Hater

Male Politicians and Female Policies

Marriage as Economic Exploitation of the Male

Me Too Slutty: Why the "Me Too" Movement Proves that Women Should Lose the Right to Vote

Media and Women Bully Alasdair Thompson

Men, Boycott the BNZ (Bank of New Zealand)!

Men Die Because Female Police are Physically Incompetent

New Zealand Matriarchy Drives up the Cost of Houses.

Norwegian Women on Company Boards

Open Letter on Unpunishable Sexual Harassment by Women

Patriarchal Gender Equity

Paul McCartney and Gated Communities

Peter Dunne Tramples on Human Rights, Bows to Media Power and Tells Lies

Police Legal Adviser Calls Police Human Resources Manager a Liar

Police Management Discriminating Against Older Male Police

Poodles, Paul Henry and Simon Dallow, Treat Men Like Mushrooms

Predetermination in the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct

Prime Child Abuser Says "Do as I say!"

Psychoanalysing the Minister of (ha! ha!) Justice

Questions concernant l'emploi et le mensonge que «les femmes savent/peuvent tout faire»

Questões de emprego e a mentira de que “as mulheres podem fazer qualquer coisa”

Remember Beyond Today ... Men Deserve some Credit, some Payback for Dangerous Service

Repeated Anti-Male Discrimination by Female Newspaper and Female Restaurant

Rule of Law, Human Rights and Organisational Culture: The Minister of Justice's Inquiry into the Human Rights Commission

Sack the Liar, Professor Janet Holmes!

Sexist, Anti-Male Bullying by Microsoft Corporation

Sexist Liar, Polly Toynbee

Speaker Who Would Be King

State of the Male Nation

Steven Joyce Defends Men Against the Man-Banning Carol Beaumont.

Strategic Thinking and the Road Ahead

Submission on the Royal Succession Bill

Submission to the Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct

Susan Wood Proves that Women Should Not Be On Company Boards

Temas laborales y la mentira de que “las mujeres pueden hacer cualquier cosa”

Totalitarian Bullying by the Retailer, "The Warehouse Group "

Transcript of: "Men In America" Episode 1, including interview with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson

Transcript of TV journalist Cathy Newman’s grilling of Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson

TVNZ Enslaves Men

UN and an Incompetent Football Player Call Kiri Te Kanawa "Macho" and "Sexist".

Unintended Consequences or Dashed Dreams

Unsuitability of Christine Lagarde for the position of IMF Managing Director

Update: Police Legal Adviser Calls Police Human Resources Manager a Liar

Vixen TV Shows her Teeth

What Gets Measured Gets Done

Women are Fruitcakes!

Women Bully chess.com Into Insanely Enforcing Lies

Women in Canada

Work-Day Dream


Zohrab v Attorney-General & Others




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

31 October 2024
