Leftist governments love to copy each other, and to pretend that what some
other government has done is part of some progressive "trend". I
therefore writing to protest, on behalf of the World's men, about your
sexist threat to close down Norwegian companies whose boards do not make 40%
of their members female by 2007. If you are allowed to get away with this,
other governments may want to copy you.
This plan is simultaneously a demonstration of your sexism and of the
stupidity of women generally, which makes them less suitable than men for
important positions:
you are selectively following a Feminist agenda, as regards what areas
force so-called "equality" upon your population. You have not
Masculinists what issues they would like to have equality in.
it is typical of the stupidity that is Feminism that it is considered
be a manifestation of "equality" for an unrepresentative group
Feminist activists) to unilaterally decide what issues need more "equality"
and (by implication) what issues can be ignored;
it is typical of Feminist stupidity to base this strategy on the
simplistic argument that men (such as yourself) are in control of society.
In fact, men such as yourself have been systematically transferring rights,
power and wealth from men to women over the past two hundred years, which
shows that men in power often act against the interests of their fellow
men -- quod erat demonstrandum (QED)!
I demand that you pursue a campaign of real equality, by:
imprisoning Children and Family Affairs Minister Laila Daavoey for ten
years, unless equal numbers of fathers and mothers are custodial parents
imprisoning the Minister of Health for ten years, unless men and women
Norway attain the same life expectancy by 2007;
imprisoning yourself for ten years, unless Norway adopts the same policies
towards both male and female circumcision both nationally and
passing a constitutionally entrenched law, compelling only women to
conscripted into the armed forces, until such a time as the number of
females and males who have died in combat in Norway's history is equalised;
etc., etc..
The incoherence of Feminism described above is an indication of the
intellectual incompetence of women to carry out important work, since most
Norwegian women are undoubtedly Feminists, in the sense that they believe
the above two illogical doctrines. This is in itself
evidence that forcing
any more women onto company boards, discriminating against men, would lower
the performance of those companies.