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Women in Canada

© Glenn R. Burger 2007

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Women in Canada have had almost all the white collar staff and supervisory jobs in banks, business offices and corporate head offices given to them because women are not vulnerable to military duty in the event of war. The lucky but vacant ingrates have been enjoying this arbitrary work environment since 1945.

I have been making this rather obviously blunt and correct assessment (enter virtually any white collar business and observe the staff ranks are just as totally female as the managerial ranks are totally male) publicly for some time and occasionally I will get a response to the effect that my activism is quixotic and that I am going "backwards".

Evidently, going forward is:
having the major white collar employers hire exclusively women for staff and then stonewalling the poor fatuous dears when they try to flood into management (hence, the glass ceiling).

having the abortion rate grow by leaps and bounds because conception interferes with skills acquiring, upwardly mobile white collar jobs so many women choose to abort.

having the birth rate decline precipitously as more women abort than give birth (see abortion rate, previously).

having the divorce rate soar as the employers hire only Moms as a hiring hedge, ie Dad isn't going to be the principal breadwinner anymore because Mom has the job so isn't Dad a ne'er do well and lets ditch the poor fool.

having the nuclear family disintegrate because the divorce rate is so high (see ditching Dad, previously).

having disenfranchised, disaffected anomic nuclear kids from broken homes and single parents (Moms, usually) wander aimlessly through society like lost souls (That is, broken homes, broken kids - the growing legacy of fatherless "families").

having almost everybody in society mindlessly conform to this reprehensible status quo (and having them congratulate themselves on their progressive wisdom for so doing).

Are we to believe that this decaying social structure is progressive and forward? Accepting this situation is liberalism at its finest. Anything challenging this environment smacks of right of center conservative ideology and any such challenge is an exercise in "backwardism"?

I would get my supposedly retrograde views re these hiring policies and their impact on society disseminated in the media were it not for the fact that I am criticizing big business and media is big business. The SOB's (media and otherwise) have a vested interest in keeping the staff totally female; namely, in the very unpredictable event of a major war the trained staff doesn't go as cannon fodder.

When men do die in combat, they (media and the politicians) pay lip service to their inherent worth and sacrifice and their contribution to society but stay silent about the employers not wanting to hire men on staff because of their vulnerability to military service.

Politicians and media pundits will preach equal rights and freedom of speach (have you heard them? It's called lip service (see above)) but will keep their collective mouths shut about awkward employment issues like this (which involves women, you see, and for good or ill the unpredictable dears have both money and suffrage) because speaking out could negatively affect their careers and/or the corporate bottom line.

Nice hedge - hiring only women - but look what it is doing to society.
This is the way forward? Well, the Canadian way. Apparently, it is.
Pity, Eh?


See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

13 February 2022
