(Open Letter to the New Zealand Prime Minister)
Dear Jacinda Ardern,
The headline is about supposed outrage, but there is no evidence
given of any survey having been undertaken of how many people
were outraged by the question, how many people were very pleased
that the question was asked or of how many people couldn't care
My explanation for this unprofessional and incompetent headline
is that (as usual) the journalist was either a Feminist or afraid
of his Feminist colleagues and bosses and therefore wrote the article
about some fictional "outrage", instead of about the contents
of the actual interview. This is typical of New Zealand journalism.
The journalist reported the relevant part of the interview as
"Can you imagine asking your partner, Clarke Gayford,
to marry you, or will you wait for him to ask you," Derbyshire
asked the Prime Minister, who burst out in laughter.
When Ms Ardern said she wouldn't, Derbyshire said: "You're
a feminist?"
"Absolutely, I'm a feminist," Ms Ardern replied
before explaining she wanted Gayford to agonise about asking her
and didn't want to let him "off the hook".
I realise that most Feminists are women, which means that they
talk a lot about Feminism in a vague sort of way, without even having
an agreed definition as to what that word even means! Nevertheless,
you have written an article entitled: "Jacinda Ardern: I am a feminist."
In that article, you state, "if you believe in equality, you should
be a feminist."
Under the Official Information
Act, could you -- as Prime Minister -- please tell me what official
information you have that women forcing their male partners to agonise
about issues and not letting their male partners off any hooks constitutes
equality and is compatible with non-discrimination under the New
Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990?
Under the Official Information
Act, could you -- as Prime Minister -- please tell me what plans
you have to pass an Act of Parliament providing that, if and when
another world war or major conflict arises, both women and men will
be conscripted to fight in the front lines -- and not just men,
as happened in World War I (https://nzhistory.govt.nz/war/recruiting-and-conscription)?
As far as I can see, Kiwi women like keeping
their men on meat-hooks -- only taking them down when they want to
complain that women want equality!