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Human Rights Commission supports Protest at Sexist Advertisement.

© Peter Zohrab 2006

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My experiences with the Human Rights Commission have not been very positive in the past (See 7emplies.html ). Its previous head was an old-fashioned Feminist, Rae Julian, who apparently equated "equality" with "whatever women want". This attitude is symptomatic of Feminism, whose adherents neither are able to think clearly nor are forced to by opponents with enough courage to do so.

However, the issue of the sexist advertisement pictured on the right is core Human Rights Commission business -- and area where (following the lead of their British equivalent) they seem to have been willing to support Men's Rights for many years already.  I did not want to apply for the job myself, but made a complaint based on the principle of non-discrimination.

So I was pleased, but not surprised, when I was told on the telephone two days ago that the Human Rights Commission had got both the boutique and newspaper involved to change their policies and ban advertisements that unnecessarily (see section 27(1) of the Human Rights Act 1993) discriminate against men in future.

It remains to be seen if the Human Rights Commission will now prove able to support Men's Rights in other areas -- see "Anti-PC MP makes submission over airlines seating policy."


See also: Repeated Anti-Male Discrimination by Female Newspaper and Female Restaurant




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

16 July 2015
