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Crusher Collins Crushes Another Man!

© Peter Zohrab 2015

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Recently, a man was killed when his digger was engulfed by a large landslide at a limestone quarry in north Canterbury. When she was Minister of Police, Judith Collins was enthusiastic about crushing the cars of so-called "Boy Racers", and acquired the nickname "Crusher Collins". Compared to Collins, her successor as Police Minister, Anne Tolley, was relatively restrained about the issue. Now Collins has been at the forefront of a backbench revolt which aims to prevent any new legislation from strengthening safeguards against workplace accidents in small businesses. Collins did not crush this particular man, but more men will be crushed, because Collins seems likely to be successful in weakening the proposed health and safety legislation!

I agree with the way Collins dealt with so-called "Boy Racers", but she exhibits a pattern of callousness, aggression and sexism towards men, who are the victims of most workplace accidents. For example, she refused to implement the Law Commission's recommendation to repeal the sexist and discriminatory Crimes Act section which imposes higher penalties on a man who hits a woman than on a woman who hits a man.

New Zealand has a culture of condoning female violence and emphasising male violence. There is a lunaticly anti-male White Ribbon Campaign, which ignores female violence against males and Prime Minister John Key is a White Ribbon Ambassador -- sending a strong signal that female violence doesn't matter. Now he is under threat of a prosecution for assault on a woman himself -- depending solely on whether the woman concerned decides to lay a complaint with the police or not! Meanwhile, Judith Collins pops up on our TV screens to defend him (Q+A, TV One, 3rd May 2015)-- at least, to the extent of saying that he was sorry for what he had done. But then Collins admitted that she had assaulted men when she was a waitress -- by pouring hot coffee into their laps if she felt their behaviour had been inappropriate! In the Matriarchy that is New Zealand, women (even former Justice Ministers!) can admit to committing assault on television, and they do not fear arrest! This is all part of the double standard, whereby assaults by males are regarded as more serious, and when a woman assaults a man everyone focusses on her REASON for doing it!

New Zealand oppresses men by ignoring their rights, and focussing in on when they can be portrayed as perpetrators. It has been a major miracle that the Council of Trade Unions has mounted a big campaign about workplace safety -- given that it is mainly men who are killed at work. Even so, you never hear the single word "men" mentioned as the focus of efforts in this regard. One right-wing Labour Party politician did mention that it was mainly Maori men who died in the forestry industry -- but no one has publicly said that it is mainly MEN (of whatever race) who die in workplace accidents, as far as I am aware.


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Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

19 August 2019
