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The Black Ribbon Campaign

Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies


Issues: Irrationality

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Abolition of Human and Environmental History

Abstracts relating to Lesbian Domestic Violence

Andrew Little Lies Like a Girl.

Anti-Male Discrimination in Human Rights Textbook

Banning Hate Organisations

"Black Lives Matter" Movement is Sexist and Racist

Cognitive Psychology, Family Violence and how the Left has destroyed Democracy

Crusher Collins Crushes Another Man!

De-Dumbing Up: Rolling Back Feminism and Liberating Men

Deteriorating Health of Pregnant Women

Discrimination and Corruption by Ashley Bloomfield

Double Standards in Sport and Employment

Epidemic of Political Stupidity in NaZealand

Equality before the Law

Europa no ve a los hombres

Fake News Meets Fake Education:The Gross Incompetence of Professor Sir Peter Gluckman, Associate Professor Ian Lambie and TV3's Lisa Owen; also the Gross Corruption of the Ministry of Justice

Female Violence and Domestic Violence Policy

Feminazi Conspiracy and Family Violence Homicides

Female Entitlement and Male Servitude

Feminist Matriarchy's Abuse of Men and Children

Feminist Priestly Caste of "Experts"

Feminist Religion Outranks Science

Genetics of Feminist Cavemen

Green MP Jan Logie Proves that Women's Suffrage Should Be Repealed

Happy Wife; Happy Life: Academic Patriarchs as both Victims and Perpetrators of Female Supremacism

Hidden Dykes of Television New Zealand

"HOW CAN SHE SLAP?" Transcript: English Subtitles of Video of Several Men Assaulting One Man for Defending Himself Against a Female Aggressor on Indian Television

Hypocrisy of UN Secretary-General on Human Rights

Institute of Judicial Studies

Insanity of Uncle Tom Groves

Incompetence and Man-Hating Victimisation of Men

Inquiry into the Health of Pregnant Women

Irrational Women and Child Discipline

Incompetence of Head of Ministry of Social Development

In Praise of Peter Conroy

Incitement of Hatred Against Men by Women's Refuge

Insanity, Equality and Democracy

Insanity of Sir Douglas Graham

Intellectually Incompetent Prime Minister Murders Australian Women.

Interests of Men

Irrationality of Abnormal and Therapeutic Psychology

Irrationality, Sexism & the Ministry for Women

Kiwi Males Beware: Somewhere Near You, Some Woman Is Having An Emotion!

Kiwi men should vote for New Zealand First in the 2017 General Election

Making New Zealand Democratic by Removing a Bill of Rights Loophole

Maori Men are the Main Victims of the Feminist Divide-and-Rule Strategy

Maori Steals From Non-Maori

Marriage as Economic Exploitation of the Male

Matriarchy Awareness Test

Minister of Women's Police Covers Up Police Oppression of Men.

More Lies and Scams From University Lie-Factories

Moronic Women at Oxford University

Move to Female Subjectivity as Standard for Law & Policy

Multiculturalism and the Sex War

Network of Manhaters cons the New Zealand Public about Family Violence

New Zealand, the Nazi Germany of the South Pacific

Ninety % of Male Lawyers are Women (objectively).

No Evidence from Feminist Lawyers and No Statistics from the Feminist Media -- when it comes to Core Propaganda Issues

On being sane in an insane country

Open Letter to Helen Clark on Lesbian Feminist Morality

Penis Envy, Breast-Feeding, and Child Sexual Abuse

Personal is Political

Physical Bullying, Racism, Sexism and Lies by Christchurch City Library Staff

Police Culture and Anti-Male Bias Straight from the Pig's Mouth (Book Review)

Police State Rides Roughshod Over Human Rights.

Psychoanalysing the Minister of (ha! ha!) Justice

Racist, Nick Tipping

Racist Education System

Racist Term "Colonialism"

Schapelle Corby and the Family Court

Scribblers who call themselves "Stuff" think that "New Zealand" is a silly name!

Sexist, Anti-Male Bullying by Microsoft Corporation

Strange Case of the Member of Parliament for Television New Zealand

Submission on proposed legislation against the incitement of hatred/hostility

System is Rigged Against Donald Trump, because he is a Man!

Tranz Metro railway Discrimination and Cultural Lesbianism

Triggers and Causes in Feminist Pseudo-science

TVNZ Enslaves Men

Two Sexist White Ribbon Bullies Bite the Dust!

Unscientific Radical Feminist Insurgency in Police Headquarters

Why does the Prime Minister Support a Discriminatory Campaign?

Why Nobody Talks About Blue-Eyed Babies Any More

Willful Defamation and Oppression of Men

Woman's False Allegation Straight from the Pig’s Mouth

Women Bully chess.com Into Insanely Enforcing Lies

Women's Brains and the Feminist "Research" Scam

Women, Fiction, Religion and Education



Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

31 October 2024
