Empowering Men:
Police State Rides Roughshod Over
Human Rights.
(Was: Police Non-Reply About Bias)
Peter Zohrab 2016 |
Early in 2016, I sent the following letter
to the Minister of Police, and it was forwarded to the Police themselves
to deal with -- according to the Office of the Minister of Police (phone
call on 23 February 2016).
19 January 2016
Minister of Police
Parliament House
Dear Judith Collins,
What training programs are in place to prevent the New Zealand
Police discriminating against men?
What New Zealand Police policies address the issue of Police
bias against men?
I draw to your attention the following advertisement that appeared
in 2003, in the Hutt News. The only feedback I have received since posting
that on the Web has been an email – purportedly from the Police
– asking me to take it down, since it was making their job more
difficult! The Police seem to think that the priority is for them to
be able to do their work – even if their work is systematically
As you can see, it includes anti-male political propaganda and stereotypes,
such as:
Many men use children to regain control over the relationship
when it ends;
Family violence often stems from a belief that women and children
are the property of men;
Boys model their behaviour on that of their violent fathers;
It is often what is happening to the children that motivates
a women (sic) to seek help;
Girls can be withdrawn and fearful.
Virtually the whole Fathers' Movement has been about women using children
against their fathers -- and here we have the Feminazi Police, using
taxpayer money, spreading man-hating stereotypes ! Women have much more
control over their children than men do -- especially when the parents
are separated.
Notice the sentence in the advertisement which states:
“It is not necessarily physical violence but can be controlling
isolating behaviour of one person over another person.”
Even if you don't know about the research showing that women hit men
just as often as men hit women (see http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm),
you will, I hope, agree that women are at least as capable of "controlling
isolating behaviour" as men are !
This advertisement just talks of men as perpetrators and just talks
of females as victims. What chance has a man got of getting this sort
of scum-police to deal with his violent partner ? What credibility have
police statistics on Domestic Violence arrests got, when they are obviously
only looking to arrest men ?
I myself have been the victim of this sort of police attitude, so
I assume that it is endemic in the New Zealand Police.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Zohrab
On 14 March 2013, I rang Police National Headquarters and asked what
was happening about my letter. The woman on the telephone said she would
phone me back that day, but (as of 17th March 2016) she has not done
So I sent the following email to the Ombudsmen.
In due course, I received the following reply
from the Police College.
Apart from the substantive issues which could be raised in connection
with the above letter, it has clearly failed even to address my Point
2, which was:
2. What New Zealand Police policies address the issue of Police
bias against men?
Therefore I have written again to the Ombudsmen,
as follows:
Dear sir/Madam,
Your Ref: 425334
As I informed your office by email on 5th May, the Police have replied
to my letter (see your earlier email below).
However, they answered only one of my two points/questions. Please
see the attached copy of their letter.
Could you please ask them to reply to my second point/question, which
was: "What New Zealand Police policies address the issue of Police
bias against men?"?
Thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Zohrab
See also: