(Open Letter to the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
Your Excellency,I have noted with pleasure the following statement from page 8 of the United Nations Universal Periodic Review Report on New Zealand, dated 4 June 2009 (http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/UPR/PAGES/NZSession5.aspx):
ON BEHALF OF THE MEN OF NEW ZEALAND, I HEREBY REQUEST THAT THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC BOYCOTT ALL TRADE WITH NEW ZEALAND UNTIL OUR GOVERNMENT AGREES TO TAKE THE APPROACH TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WHICH IS RECOMMENDED IN THE ABOVE STATEMENT BY YOUR GOVERNMENT. THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT HAS ALMOST NO CONCEPT OF HUMAN RIGHTS, BUT IT IS VERY WORRIED ABOUT TRADE.The reason domestic violence has been increasing in New Zealand is that the Feminists have always been in control of domestic violence policy, law reform and law enforcement, so that New Zealand has, in fact, been using the police and the courts to wage war on men.The current Minister of Justice, Amy Adams, is a mentally disturbed man-hater. Since the age of two, she has not had a father, because of her parents’ divorce (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Adams_(politician ), and her mother has doubtless poisoned her mind against her father, in particular, and men in general (Parental Alienation – see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_alienation ). If you read her Keynote address to the UN Human Rights Council, dated 15 March 2016 (see https://www.beehive.govt.nz/speech/keynote-address-un-human-rights-council ), you will see that she ignores men completely and treats domestic violence as if it was simply a matter of violence against women, which is statistically completely false. For example, I refer you to Professor Fiebert’s annotated domestic violence research bibliography (https://web.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm ), which
Some of the studies listed there are from New Zealand ( see http://equality.limewebs.com/nzdvrsch.html ).Because the universities and mass media are under the control of the Feminists, there is little research into domestic violence against men, or publicity about it. However, I myself have had the following experiences, which I will summarise briefly:
New Zealand has a Femi-Fascist government which is waging war on men, using domestic violence laws, and I implore your Government please to put pressure on it during trade negotiations.
See also: