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Discrimination and Corruption by Ashley Bloomfield

Peter Zohrab 2020

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(Open Letter to the Minister of Health)


Dear Dr. Clark

I realise that Ashley Bloomfield works in a female-dominated area, which means that rationality is surplus to requirements. Nevertheless, I was surprised to hear him comment (in relation to a proposed capacity-goal of 1000 COVID-19 contact-traces per day) that he didn't think that there was any science behind that. After all, he doesn't care about mere science when it comes to Domestic Violence!

According to the page, "The 'curve crusher': Dr Ashley Bloomfield becomes the face of fashion brand", he has given some people permission to use his image on a bag to raise money for Women's Refuge, which is a hypocritical, anti-male propaganda and child-kidnapping group, which pretends that Domestic Violence is mainly or entirely something that men do to women. I have also seen images of Ashley Bloomfield wearing the anti-male white ribbon, which is part of the same discriminatory, psychotic pathology of sexist man-hating, with respect to Domestic Violence.

If he is capable of reading scientific articles (which is by no means certain), he would see from Professor Fiebert's webpage, "REFERENCES EXAMINING ASSAULTS BY WOMEN ON THEIR SPOUSES OR MALE PARTNERS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY," that (as Professor Fiebert states) his "bibliography examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners." The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 371,600. If he wanted to search that bibliography for studies of New Zealand women's violence, he would find some. In fact, here they are: Research on Domestic Violence in New Zealand. I suggest that Ashley Bloomfield read them -- if his wife will let him! I also suggest that he read my book, Sex, Lies and Feminism, which is dedicated to one Walter Bloomfield.

It is corrupt of him to have given a group permission to use his image on a bag to raise money for Women's Refuge. His face has become famous only because he has been carrying out his taxpayer-funded job as Director-General of Health in a health and economic crisis and appearing almost daily on television. He has not become famous in his private capacity. Whoever happened to be the Director-General of Health at this point in time would have appeared regularly on television and become famous. I am a taxpayer, so I pay his salary. Women's Refuge make anti-male submissions on legal and policy matters and Ashley Bloomfield is funding them to do that. I have not given him permission to exploit his job corruptly to fund men's sexist political enemies!

In the normal course of events, I would expect to have addressed this letter to the State Services Commissioner, but the present incumbent is Peter Hughes, who I criticised for telling lies about Women's Refuge in 2009, when he was Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development. Based on what I now know about him and Ashley Bloomfield, I have come to the conclusion that the only men who can rise to the top in the public service are men who prove themselves to be true servants of women and true haters of men. The scum floats to the top!

Moreover, Ashley Bloomfield's health system discriminates against men -- as I pointed out in my article "Medicines for Men in the New Zealand Temple to Women."

I noted in that article that:

  1. In the calendar year 2018, Pharmac spent $44,986,700.00 on medicines for female cancers (http://blackribboncampaign.altervista.org/pharmac1.html), but only $24,390,503.00 on medicines for male cancers.

  2. Men die younger than women in New Zealand, on average.

  3. The New Zealand health system has TWO female-only specialties (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), but NO male-only specialty -- i.e. it has no Andrology wards. In fact, I doubted that you had even heard of Andrology (https://www.andrologyaustralia.org), a term which is totally absent from your website.


Ashley Bloomfield should resign!


See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

13 July 2020
