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The Strange Case of the Member of Parliament for Television New Zealand

Peter Zohrab 2018

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(Open Letter to the Leader of The Opposition)


Dear Mr. Bridges,


I am writing to you because one of your National Party Members of Parliament, Chris Bishop, has asked me to stop emailing him. Initially, I complied with his request by deleting his address from my email address book. However, I later decided that, since he was employed by taxpayers to represent the people of New Zealand, it was not appropriate for him to make that request. In my view, he is at liberty, of course, to avoid reading my emails or even to delete them on sight, but I think that asking me not to send him any more emails is going a bit far. I am not asking you to do anything about the matter or even to reply to me, but I want to make an issue of it, because it has to do with Democracy (which is not something that we have enough of in New Zealand, as it is).

As you can see from my webpage "Free Speech:My Recent Exchange of Emails with Influential National Party Member of Parliament, Chris Bishop," Mr. Bishop started interacting with me by replying with the single word "No", when I emailed him a link to a TVNZ clip about free speech. Not only was that reply unclear and lacking in any apparent intelligent thought, but his current behaviour of trying to ban me from emailing him is exactly the kind of constraint on freedom of speech that he previously denied existed in New Zealand!

I should point out here that he is the National Party's Spokesperson for Police, which means that he may even become the Minister of Police at some stage and in both capacities I will definitely want him to take notice of my original and (if I may say so) well-informed and thoughtful views on the Police. In addition, I lived in his current electorate of Hutt South for 20 years and was once on the Executive of the Hutt South Electorate National Party.

I have discovered that Mr. Bishop's father once worked for Television New Zealand, so it seems that Mr. Bishop (who has often appeared on television) is angry at my criticisms of TVNZ and other media outlets. He is acting like the Member of Parliament for Television New Zealand -- just as he once worked for the tobacco industry. I am a severe critic of the media, because they behave exactly like Chris Bishop: they cut you off if they don't agree with you. That is exactly why there is no free speech in New Zealand.

I put it to you that Meka Whaitiri is alleged to have assaulted a staff member because she had not told her about a media photo opportunity which she could have benefited from. That shows how much power the media have over politicians. Politicians are democratically elected, but the media are not. As Chris Bishop has demonstrated, Democracy hardly exists in New Zealand.


Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


See also:

Free Speech:My Recent Exchange of Emails with Influential National Party Member of Parliament, Chris Bishop



Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

28 September 2018
