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More Lies and Scams From University Lie-FactoriesPeter Zohrab 2021 |
This is a partial book review of: Bribiescas, Richard G. (2006): Men: Evolutionary and Life History, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.The Big LieAs I said in my article, "Two Power-Shifting Left-Wing Lies", the Feminists and other Leftists have conquered and colonised all the professions, including the professions that are involved in the education sector, the media and the Law. I have already written quite a bit about various universities, but the following example of a university lie (from the Conclusion of the above book, on page 219) is quite spectacular:
I have studied Political Science, the Philosophy of Science and various scientific subjects and it is blatantly obvious that "women's rights" is a political term and intrinsically has nothing at all to do with science. You might expect that Bribiescas would at least explain his apparently ludicrous statement, but he does not. The closest he comes to explaining it is to ask:
From that question, we can deduce that Bribiescas is blaming men for warfare and for Domestic Violence. However, he provides no evidence to back up these misandristic (man-hating) slurs. In fact, his Conclusion (the final chapter) is seven pages long, but contains only seven references to research articles or books. By contrast, the previous seven pages contain 13 references to research articles or books and most of the book contains several references per page. In the university context, the supposedly evil nature of men is a fundamental ideological belief, and requires no evidence. Nevertheless, as I pointed out in my article, Women and War, almost all of the prominent female leaders from recent decades were involved in warlike activities and that is conclusive disproof of the claim that female leaders are inherently more peaceful than male leaders. And Professor Martin Fiebert's annotated bibliography "examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners."Glaring Omissions
The clear pattern is that Bribiescas only mentions negative facts about men and positive facts about women.
Why Lie?The Acknowledgements of this book mention the author's wife. Ideally, men should be able to write books about men without some woman looking over their shoulder. We can only speculate as to whether she censored or otherwise influenced the contents of this book. In addition, we have to bear in mind that he was researching the topic of men, which is not something that the Feminists are likely to have been very happy about. In order to be allowed to do this, he would have had to make sure he did not contradict any Feminist doctrines.As I said in another book review, whether involuntarily (because they have been brainwashed by their Feminist environment) or deliberately (because they are Feminist activists, or merely afraid for their careers), academics churn out slipshod and even self-contradictory drivel which pleases their Feminist mistresses. This has severe implications for the ability of non-Feminist men to succeed in higher education.See also:
Someone has let women out of the kitchen -- and they have been telling lies ever since!