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Research Sexism

Peter Zohrab 2009

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(Open Letter to the Minister of Justice)

Dear Mr. Power,

On the webpage http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/crime+and+safety+survey+launched one can see that the New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey 2009 has been launched. I note that the parties involved are the Ministry of Justice, research company National Research Bureau, the law faculty of Victoria University, and an independent statistician. This seems to be an improvement on previous versions of this survey, where the Ministry of Women's Affairs was involved, and therefore able to inject its political agenda into the process, in all probability.

I am writing to ask if the survey will include straightforward questions, instead of questions such as the following, which appeared in previous versions of the survey:

    1. Any partner ever actually used force or violence on you, such as deliberately kicked, pushed, grabbed, shoved you or hit you with something in a way that could hurt you; and

    2. Any partner ever threatened to use force or violence on you such as threatened to kick, push, grab, or shove you in a way that actually frightened you; and

    3. Any partner ever deliberately destroyed or threatened to destroy your belongings in a way that frightened you.


My reasons for raising this issue are as follows:

As I am sure you will appreciate, I am not trying to dictate the content of the survey's questionnaire. I am merely trying to ensure that it does not attack men's human rights.


(UPDATE: I have since received an excellent reply from the Minister to the above letter, stating that, from the 2006 survey onwards, the issue I had raised had been dealt with.  Of course, part of my reason for writing this open letter was to publicise this issue, in an attempt to prevent the Feminists from playing this trick again -- e.g. if the Labour Government regains power).


See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

6 September 2024
