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Overview of Fiebert's Annotated Domestic Violence Bibliography (updated)

© Peter Zohrab 2004-2019

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This is a simple overview based on the version of Professor Fiebert's annotated bibliography of Domestic Violence research which had last been updated in June 2012.

I have ignored meta-studies and reviews of the literature and have concentrated on studies which reported statistics which compared men and women. I have lumped in girls with women and boys with men, for the sake of simplicity.

I have ignored differences between men and women where Professor Fiebert's annotation indicates that the difference is not statistically significant and where the difference is less that 2%. However, I may have counted studies where the differences between men and women are in fact not statistically significant, although this fact is not stated by him. I have not bothered to calculate statistical significance.

I have also ignored studies of spousal murders. There are studies listed which show anti-male bias on the part of the police -- in fact I have experienced and written about this myself. So it may be the case that some spousal murders occur because men realise that they do not have a realistic option of calling in the police, as women do. This is because the police would just refuse to believe the man and would believe whatever the woman chose to say. Man-hating Feminists teach the police that women do not -- -- or rarely do -- commit Domestic Violence against men.



A. Number of studies finding that:

Women were more violent than men

Men were more violent than women

Men and women were equally violent





B. Number of studies finding that:

Women perpetrated more severe violence than men

Men perpetrated more severe violence than women

Men and women perpetrated equally severe violence







C. Number of studies finding that:

Women injured men more often than vice-versa

Men injured women more often than vice-versa

Men and women injured each other equally often








D. Number of studies finding that:

Women initiated more violence than men did

Men initiated more violence than women did

Men and women initiated violence equally often








*Note: This study (Straus, M. A., & Ramirez, I. L. (2002, July)) is reported as having found that:

"there were no significant differences between males and females in either the overall prevalence of physical aggression or the prevalence of severe attacks. However, when only one partner was violent it was twice as likely to be the female than the male <19.0% vs 9.8%>. Moreover, in terms of severe aggression females were twice as likely to be violent than men <29.8% vs 13.7%>)."


See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

6 September 2024
