Home > Issues > False Allegations

The Black Ribbon Campaign

Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies


Issues: False Allegations

(see also Women's Lies)


Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Accusations fausses et les mensonges au sujet de l'abus des enfants

Acusações falsas e a mentira do abuso das crianças

Application for Non-Party Disclosure

Are there any Human Rights in New Zealand?

A Woman Tells...



Camera catches out False Rape Complaint

Strategies for Men Before, During and After False Allegations

Conspiratorial perjurer, Cheryl Hocking

Conspiratorial perjurer, Christopher Vertongen

Conspiratorial perjurer, Elizabeth (Peggy) McAree

Conspiratorial perjurer, Georgette Martin

Conspiratorial perjurer, Kathleen Nolan (Kathleen Garnham)

Court Female Supremacism and Rule by Television

Defences Against Conspiracies to Commit Perjury

Defendiendo nuestros derechos fundamentales frente al lobby de género

Dyldomedia Angry at Police Insubordination

Druggie Woman Rapes Tea Ropati and Gets Name Suppression



Falsas acusaciones y la mentira del abuso infantil

False Accusations and the Child-Abuse Lie

False Allegations about False Allegations

False Allegations Resources


Feminist Religion Outranks Science


How the Media, the Police and the Universities Murder New Zealand Men

Hystérie anti-hommes


Inquiry into a Politically Motivated Conspiracy


John Goetelen acquitté


Kiwi men should vote for New Zealand First in the 2017 General Election


Legal Tactics for Men and Fathers when Accused of Domestic Violence

Lying Female Witnesses

Lying Feminist Judge: Applying the Law AND some "Facts", or Applying the Law TO the Facts?

Lying Logie Cons Parliament Into Convicting Innocent Men.

Monkey Police

Neil Foord, R.I.P.

NZ Police v Peter Douglas Zohrab



Open Letter to CBS

Open Letter to Greg King

Police Culture and Anti-Male Bias Straight from the Pig's Mouth (Book Review)

Racist Deception in Science magazine

Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years

Return of the Inquisition to Spain

Rex Widerstrom' views on Peter Zohrab

Scum-Police Deliberately Prosecute Innocent Man.

Send Jan Jordan Back to the Uranium Tower!

Sexual Abuse and Feminist Domination

Sexual Violence Interview of Jan Logie by Q+A (Transcript)

Ministry of Women's Injustice's Plans to Tighten the Screws on the Men it Hates

Stalinist-Lesbian-Maori Medicines Policy Cons the People and Destroys Democracy and Human Rights.

Tranz Metro railway's Discrimination and Cultural Lesbianism

Why I admire Winston Peters

Woman's False Allegation Straight from the Pig’s Mouth

Women deliberately tell lies in order to destroy "Patriarchy".

Women = Lies = Journalists = Women = ..

Women's Newspaper Censors News of False Rape Allegations


Zohrab v Attorney-General & Others



Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

19 September 2022
