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Sexual Abuse and Feminist Domination

by Robert Stevens and Peter Zohrab 2010

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Is there a deliberate Feminist strategy to scapegoat men in relation to the issue of sex abuse, in order to further the female domination of education, and hence of society as a whole?

In New Zealand, at least, there has been some publicity about the phenomenon of men school teachers and complaints -- see items 5-9 in the Bibliography below.  One estimate is that every man school teacher in New Zealand could expect to have no less than three complaints made against him per year - mainly over sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, etc.

Much the same thing has occurred in Australia, and men school teachers have to constantly be looking over their shoulder for silly and unfounded complaints that are usually about some little feminist not getting the marks she feels entitled to, and who is then pushed by mum to complain as a means of getting better marks.  In at least one Australian high school, any discussions between a girl and a male teacher are held in a glass room in the middle of the playground, so that everybody can see what goes on.

Consequently, very few graduate men go into school teaching now -- nobody would put his head in that noose -- and the result is that -- you guessed it -- all those feminist indoctrinated little girls from university with their cheap and easy credits from Women's Studies are now running the show.

Some teacher unions indoctrinate female teachers with Feminist propaganda, e.g. by sending them a special newletter which is only for female teachers -- see Bibliography items 1-4, below.  In this way, many female teachers may end up believing Feminist propaganda, because they have no access to alternative information on the relevant topics.  If they end up believing Feminist propaganda, then they are Feminists, and it doesn't matter if they are generally thought of as Feminists or not.

Fergusson et al. (1991a) gives the following as the reason for boys' comparatively low educational achievement in schools:

... the higher rate of educational under-achievement in males was adequately explained by gender related differences in classroom behaviours with males being more prone to disruptive and inattentive classroom behaviours that appeared to impede male learning and lead to a male educational disadvantage.

That may or may not be a correct conclusion for the authors to have drawn.  If so, there remains the question of why males are "more prone to disruptive and inattentive classroom behaviours."  The answer to that question may lie in Fergusson et al. (1991b), which finds that

... in the areas of reading and written expression teachers showed consistent tendencies to evaluate the performance of girls more favourably than the (sic) boys even after adjustment for gender differences in objective test scores were made.

This introduces the possibility that most teachers are anti-male, which is a fact that former teachers like ourselves can testify to.  It is possible that, with most teachers being female, and even most of the male teachers being feminist, some of the boys pick up on the anti-male atmosphere and are turned off. 

It is interesting that the same classroom behaviour by boys which Fergusson et al. (1991a) describes as impeding male learning has often been described by feminists as hogging teachers' attention and impeding female learning!  Feminist teachers have, firmly implanted in their brains, the notion that females are disadvantaged, and this has the following results:


Students who make false accusations against male teachers, or who behave provocatively towards them should be disciplined, and other measures should be undertaken to make schools a safe and attractive working environment for male teachers -- both for the benefit of the teachers concerned and for the benefit of the male students.




  1. The Gen: "Putting Exams to the Test," The Gender Equity Network, Dept of Employment, Education and Training, June 1993.

  2. Neo: PPTA Women's network newsletter, "A New Council is Born" (i.e. PPTA Women's Advisory Council), May 1999, Vol.1, No.5.

  3. Neo: PPTA Women's network newsletter: "PPTA Women in the News" April 1999, Vol.1 No. 4.

  4. Neo: "May day status of women report" and "The Female Eunuch - 30 Years On" , May 2001, Vol. 3, No. 2.

  5. Roger, Warwick (2000): "Man Alone", "North & South", June 2000.

  6. The Education Weekly: "Growing gender gap in primary school teaching," Monday, 15th September 1997, Vol. 8, No. 311.

  7. The Education Weekly: "Discrimination against men in teaching: report," Monday, 3rd February 1997, Vol. 8, No. 284.

  8. Evening Post: "Former male teacher praises support group," 25 June 1998. 

  9. Nichols, Lane (2006), "Failed cases lead to fresh warning on male teachers," Wellington, New Zealand, Dominion Post, 18 July 2006.

  10. Fergusson, D.M., and L.J. Horwood (1991a): "Gender differences in educational achievement in a New Zealand birth cohort," New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 1997; 32(1): 83-96. MS available from dferg@chmeds.ac.nz

  11. Fergusson, D.M., M. LLoyd, and L.J. Horwood (1991b): "Teacher Evaluations of the Performance of Boys and Girls," New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies Vol. 26, No.2.

  12. Zohrab, Peter: "Sex, Lies & Feminism", Chapter 8: The Education Lies.


See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

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12 July 2015
