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The conspiratorial perjurer, Elizabeth (Peggy) McAree

© Peter Zohrab 2015

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This page refers to: Scum-Police Deliberately Prosecute Innocent Man.

There was a police recording of my emergency call (which you can listen to here). One minute and 56 seconds into the Police recording of my 111 phone call to the Police, you can hear me speaking to a woman who was wearing a white ribbon. Compare what I say on the recording with what the conspiratorial perjurer, Elizabeth (Peggy) McAree says about it in her written statement to police here: (See scan0021.jpg, scan0022.jpg, scan0023.jpg, scan0024.jpg. scan0025.jpg, scan0026.jpg and scan0027.jpg).

From my voice, it is apparent that I am upset, I am speaking quite fast, but I am speaking quite coherently, I am not swearing, I am not enraged, and I am not using abusive language.

Most importantly, I am not causing a disturbance to other passengers or to Tranzmetro staff during the period that I was being recorded. Therefore, there is no reason why a Tranzmetro employee would see a need to calm me down. Tranzmetro officials can only be expected to be interested in "calming someone down" if they are causing problems to staff or other passengers, which was not the case in this instance. Tranzmetro officials are not psychiatric counsellors who walk up and down trains, looking for people who seem agitated and then try to set their minds at ease!

What the police recording says that I said (my transcript):

Police: Yep.

Me: Yep. Hello? You can see, I'm talking to the police, thank you. I'm not talking to anyone who's got a white ribbon on their chest, because it's a sexist ribbon, thank you.


Me: Excuse me! What's that guy's name? I'm going to, excuse me, I'm going to report him for, get him for libel, slander. That guy there?

Me: I've been slandered by this official from the train, who wasn't even here. He's a bald guy. He's a driver, and he came along -- he wasn't even involved -- he came along, and then he said, talking to this other guy from the train, that ... that he should make sure I don't assault anyone else, when I haven't actually assaulted anyone, and I was assaulted by these Fascist man-haters.

Police: What was your name there, mate?

Me: Peter Zohrab -- Z-O-H-R-A-B. Now, if you give me some time the name of this guy, the bald guy driving the train, I will then take legal action against him.

(I have deleted an asterisk and the note in the margin which stated that there was cackling in the background from the witches. You can listen to the recording yourself and decide if you can hear cackling or not).

What Elizabeth Margaret McAree says that I said:

Elizabeth Margaret McAree, 23 Newry Road, Raumati Beach, Personal Assistant, 021 0533173


Scum-Police Deliberately Prosecute Innocent Man.

Defences Against Conspiracies to Commit Perjury

The Monkey Police

Tranz Metro railway Discrimination and Cultural Lesbianism

Court Female Supremacism and Rule by Television

New Zealand Police v Peter Douglas Zohrab -- District Court Judgment and High Court & Court of Appeal Appeal Judgments



Peter Douglas Zohrab

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22 July 2015
