Empowering Men
You may think that men don't need empowering. In that case, you
are probably sleepwalking through life.
Like it or not, MRAs, this man is
one of the leading figures in the emergence of the Men’s
Rights movement online, and in the intellectual history of the
movement, such as it is.
The page refers, in particular, to the term Frontman
Fallacy, which I invented, summarising it as follows:
the Frontman Fallacy is the mistaken
belief that people (men, specifically) who are in positions of
authority in democratic systems use their power mainly to benefit
the categories of people (the category of “men”, in
particular) that they belong to themselves.
So the reasons that men need empowering are:
The so-called "Patriarchy" has always pampered women
and oppressed men;
Feminism has increased the number of women in decision-making
Feminism has invented a lot of anti-male myths and turned them
into law and policy; and
Feminism has also made sure that most men who get into decision-making
positions are Male Feminists.
Many people believe that Feminism is about equality/equity
-- just because Feminists say it is!
Think, for one second: What is Feminism about equality/equity
WITH ? Well, with men, obviously!
Well, then, what do Feminists know about men? Virtually nothing:
they view any study of men's issues as a dangerous distraction which
undermines the focus on women that they are determined to maintain.
Well, then, how do they know what is needed in order for women to
be equal with men? They don't, of course. "Feminism
is about equality/equity" is just a cool slogan -- a barefaced
Once upon a time, men had the vote, and women didn't,
so men and women were not equal. At that time, men were liable
to be drafted into the frontline in wartime, but women weren't,
so men and women were not equal. Then the Feminists demanded
equality, so women got the vote -- but they did not demand that
women be liable to be drafted into the frontline in wartime.
So now women elect and serve in governments that draft men and send
them to kill and maim and be killed and be maimed -- against their
will. THAT is Feminist "equality."
People's identification with specific ethnic
groups needs to be weakened, rather than strengthened, so as to
strengthen the integrity of the State and reduce polarisation
along ethnic lines.