> General Theoretical Issues
Empowering Men
feminist lies
General Theoretical Issues
(See also:
Gender Equity for Men
Human Rights for Men
Summary Haiku:
Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.
Abolition of Men's Human Rights in New Zealand
Abortion, Government, Degradation of Men & “Sacredness of Human Life”
Al Qaeda and the MUC-Induced Psychopathology of the West
Andrology and Discrimination Against Men
Are Women just Dumb ?
Battle for Hearts and Minds
"Black Lives Matter" Movement is Sexist and Racist
Bread and Circuses
Cognitive Psychology, Family Violence and how the Left has destroyed Democracy
Collective Misandric Psychosis
Combatting Feminism using Foreign Marriages
De-Dumbing Up: Rolling Back Feminism and Liberating Men
Democracy Frightens the Left
Discrimination juridique au Québec: faits et chiffres
Divorce Law Practice: The Invisible Engine of a Matrilinear Society
Epidemic of Political Stupidity in NaZealand
Equality in a Presidential Campaign
Equality Lie
Fake News Meets Fake Education:The Gross Incompetence of Professor Sir Peter Gluckman, Associate Professor Ian Lambie and TV3's Lisa Owen; also the Gross Corruption of the Ministry of Justice
Fascist Green-Party Lardball and the Bonobofication of the Human Species
Fascist phrase "Equality for Women" and the Paradox of the Axe
Female Entitlement and Male Servitude
Female Power and Control through the Service Sector
Female Promiscuity: Annotated Transcript of Bettina Arndt's video about Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern
Female Selfishness & Male Chivalry
Feminazi UN High Commissioner for Human Rights proves that Pinochet must have been a great man!
Feminism is the Real Mammoth.
Feminism’s clay feet exposed on British television
Feminist Conspirators and Agents Provocateurs
Feminist Hypocrisy
Feminist Matriarchy's Abuse of Men and Children
Feminist Narcicissism and Political Power
Feminist Responsibility for Female Foeticide
Feminists Frightened by Emerging Equality
Frontman Fallacy
Frontman Fallacy
Gavin's Conservative Ideology
Green MP Jan Logie Proves that Women's Suffrage Should Be Repealed
Happy Wife; Happy Life: Academic Patriarchs as both Victims and Perpetrators of Female Supremacism
Honey Trap and Selling Out
How Feminist Indoctucation Controls The World
Hunger-Striker's Manifesto
Hypocrisy of UN Secretary-General on Human Rights
If women could tell the difference between fact and fiction
Incompetent Dr. Russel Norman
Indoctucation by the Media-University Complex
Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Fathers' Movement
Interests of Men
International Men's Suffering Day 19 September
Irrationality, Sexism & the Ministry for Women
Jordan Peterson on MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)
Kiwi Women's Conspiracy to Suppress, Outnumber and Kill Off Men
Legal Profession’s Scientific Incompetence
Letter From Ireland
Letter from Spain
Lies, Damned Lies & UN Statistics
Linda Clark and the Discriminatory Law Firm, Dentons Kensington Swan
Los Angeles Times Propaganda about Brains
Low-Road to Disaster - Advocacy Research
Lunatics have taken over the Asylum.
Making New Zealand Democratic by Removing a Bill of Rights Loophole
Manifeste d'un gréviste de la faim
Manpower is Not Obsolete
Matriarchal New Zealand Flag
Matriarchy Awareness Test
Me Too Slutty: Why the "Me Too" Movement Proves that Women Should Lose the Right to Vote
Men Flee Femidyke New Zealand
Men Going Their Own Way
Men's Rights Amputation
Michael Nicolai Motorin's Russian Patriarchalist Position
Ministry for Men
Move to Female Subjectivity as Standard for Law and Policy
Multiculturalism and the Sex War
Narcicissisme et le pouvoir politique féministes
Narcisismo feminista e poder político
Narcisismo Feminista y Poder Pol
Network of Manhaters cons the New Zealand Public about Family Violence
New Zealand, the Nazi Germany of the South Pacific
Non-Feminist Declaration
Non-Feminist Woman Speaks Out.
On being sane in an insane country
Open Letter to Family Law Section, NZ Law Society
Open Letter to Human Rights Commission
Opposite is Usually The Case
Oppressed Men and Self-Hatred
Paradox of Secularism
Passive Power of Female Domination
Patriarchal Gender Equity
Paul McCartney and Gated Communities
Penis Envy, Breast-Feeding & Child Sexual Abuse
Personal is Political
Peter Zohrab Discusses Jordan Peterson (video)
Political Theory of Agendaism
Pretence and Reality in the Ministry for Women
Prostitution and Political Correctness
Psychologists & Women Don't Have the Brains to Study Intelligence
Predetermination and Structural Discrimination Against Men
R v A and B
shows that Men have no Rights in New Zealand
Racist Feminist Leapfrogging
Radical Feminism — Flotsam and Jetsam From the Past 50 Years
Remember Beyond Today ... Men Deserve some Credit, some Payback for Dangerous Service
Resources on Theoretical Issues in Masculism
Review of
Eve's Bite
, by Ian Wishart
Runt-Dyke Nexus
Saving Money and Reducing Predetermination
Scott Adams Gets Men's Rights into the Media!
S.C.R.U.F.F Manifesto
Sexist, Anti-Male Bullying by Microsoft Corporation
Sole Custody as Gendercide
Some Perspectives on "Living in Interesting Times"
State of the Male Nation
State religion is feminism.
Strategic Thinking and the Road Ahead
Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (1)
Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (2)
Transcript of: "Men In America" Episode 1, including interview with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson
Transcript of
TV journalist Cathy Newman’s grilling of Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson
Triggers and Causes in Feminist Pseudo-science
Two Power-Shifting Left-Wing Lies
Welcome to New Zealand, Jordan Peterson! (Annotated Partial Transcript of an interview with the Canadian Psychologist)!
Western Lesbian Feminist Neocolonialism
Western Feminists Admit Conning & Recolonising India!
What Female Politics Lecturers Do Instead of Thinking
What is Men's Rights About ?
Why do Fathers Wake up One Morning & Realise They have No Rights?
Why is Trump Trump?: A Reply to General Colin Powell
Why Nobody Talks About Blue-Eyed Babies Any More
Women and War
Women deliberately tell lies in order to destroy "Patriarchy"
Women's Brains and the Feminist "Research" Scam
Zohrab v Attorney-General & Others
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Peter Douglas Zohrab
Latest Update
30 October 2024