Lies. In Western countries, the media and
universities (with few exceptions) simply presuppose the victimhood of
women and racial minorities, rather than proving it. Proving it would
involve looking at all
the ways in which men are disadvantaged, compared to women -- which
most of the media and education system stubbornly refuse to do. They institutionalise
their presumption of the victimhood of women and racial minorities like
a religion in all of their thoughts, words and actions. Moreover, they
enforce belief in this religion by penalising dissenters in their marking
and editorial decisions.
The "Black Lives Matter" movement, supported by the media,
simply assumes that the major factor in police killings is race, rather
than gender. According to the
Washington Post's database (as I mentioned in my article "Black
Lives Matter" Movement is Sexist and Racist"),
thirty-one Black people per million have been killed by US police,
which is somewhat more than the rate for Hispanics (twenty-three per million),
Whites (thirteen per million) and "Others" (4 per million).
However, thirty-four males per million have been
killed by US police, which is vastly more than the rate for females, which
is only 1.5 per million. The discrepancy between the police shooting
rate for males and females is VASTLY greater than the discrepancy between
the rates for Blacks and Whites.
So, if you want to use these statistics to state that the police are
racist against Blacks, you are forced -- logically -- to state that the
police are VASTLY more sexist against men than they are racist
against Blacks! On the other hand, if you want to state that proportionately
more men than women are shot by police because more men than women commit
crimes, you are forced -- logically -- to state also that proportionately
more Blacks than Whites are shot by police because
more Blacks than Whites commit crimes! If you want to draw different
conclusions, you need to provide evidence for those different conclusions.