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Racist Feminist Leapfrogging

(nine times updated and slightly edited)

Peter Zohrab 2021-4

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Letter (and email) to Prime Minister

Email to Ombudsman

Reply from Ombudsman

Second letter (and email) to Prime Minister

Reply from Prime Minister

Second email to Ombudsman

Second reply from Ombudsman

Third Reply from Ombudsman

Third conmmunication to Ombudsman

Fourth Reply from Ombudsman



(Open Letter to the New Zealand Prime Minister)


Dear Jacinda Ardern,


According to a Canberra Times article dated April 17 2021, 'Hard-right US House Republicans are discussing forming an America First Caucus, which one document described as championing "Anglo-Saxon political traditions...".'

Does your Government also regard New Zealand as being an exclusively Anglo-Saxon country, or an exclusively White country? I ask that, because Feminist law degraders (self-styled "law reformers") have repeatedly pushed the line that New Zealand has to have gender-related laws which ape those of countries such as Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom -- sometimes including all the (mainly White) OECD countries.

The latest example is the lying man-hater, Jan Logie, who, in her interview about sexual violence with TV One's Q+A, said that she wanted to amend the laws in order to "bring us into line with the UK, Australia and Canada" (see line 89 of my transcript). She did not explain why we had to be in line with those countries.

Similarly, in her interview on TV3's Newshub Nation, she stated (3 minutes and 34 seconds into the discussion) that she wanted the pre-recording of evidence to take place here to the same extent as it does in Australia, Canada and the UK.. Later (10 minutes and 22 seconds into the discussion) she said that the UK, Canada and Australia are "the jurisdictions that we compare ourselves to." She does not say what right she has to stipulate who we compare ourselves to, or why we should compare ourselves to these countries on these sorts of issues.

I have a Law degree and I can see no relevance to sexual violence case procedures of the fact that these countries are Common Law countries, like us. India is also a Common Law country, but Logie doesn't like Indians, apparently. These details of courtroom procedure are not specific to Common Law countries, but must be dealt with in every jurisdiction on the surface of the Globe.

What we have is a continual process of racist Feminist leapfrogging in law reform. Feminists in the UK, Australia Canada and New Zealand are constantly pushing the Law in an anti-male direction and, as soon as the Feminists in one of these countries manages to tighten the legal screws a bit more on the men that they hate, the Feminists in the other countries say, "Oh look! We have to keep up with the Joneses -- as long as they are White or English-speaking."



Since I received no reply, on 30th May 2021 I forwarded the above email to the Ombudsmen and prefaced it with the following email:


Dear sir/Madam,


Could you please review and investigate the failure of the Prime Minister to comply with the Official Information Act request below?

The request, which was "Does your Government also regard New Zealand as being an exclusively Anglo-Saxon country, or an exclusively White country?", did not explicitly refer to the Official Information Act, but section (1AA)(b) states that requests do not need to refer to the Act.

Thank you in advance.


Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab



I soon received the following reply from the Ombudsman:


Dear Mr Zohrab

I am writing about your complaint about the way that Minister Hon Marama Davidson and Prime Minister Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern have handled your requests for information. The Chief Ombudsman cannot consider your complaint because your information requests are not considered ‘official information’, as per the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA).


Official information Act requests

‘Official information’ is defined1 as ‘any information held’ by an agency or Minister that is subject to the OIA. The OIA does not oblige an agency or Minister to comment, explain or venture an opinion on a matter in response to a request. Such requests would require the agency to create new information rather than consider whether or not to release documents or information already held.


Requests posed as questions can be problematic

Requests which are phrased as questions are often interpreted by an agency or Minister as a request for information that they do not ‘hold’, and would therefore not be an OIA request. This can result in an agency or Minister not providing the information sought by the requester. You may find it helpful to refer to our ‘guide for requesters’ before making future requests.


Minister conduct

This Office cannot investigate your complaint about the way that the Minister or Prime Minister have handled your correspondence. This is because the Chief Ombudsman has no authority under the Ombudsmen Act 1975 to investigate the acts and decisions of Ministers.

Whilst no further action will be taken at this time, I hope this letter has clarified matters.


Yours sincerely

Scott Martin
Manager – Intake and Early Assistance Team

1 Section (2)(1) of the OIA.

Our ref 551858 (Complaint ground: 551865, 551866, 553184)

Contact Rosie Walsh

31 May 2021

Mr Peter Douglas Zohrab
By email: peter.zohrab@xtra.co.nz


Accordingly, I modified my previous letter and wrote to the Minister as follows:


5 June 2021

The Prime Minister
Parliament House

(Open Letter)

Dear Jacinda Ardern,

Racist Feminist Leapfrogging

On the advice of the Ombudsman, I am writing to rephrase my Official Information Act request of 18th April 2021.

According to a Canberra Times article dated April 17 2021, 'Hard-right US House Republicans are discussing forming an America First Caucus, which one document described as championing "Anglo-Saxon political traditions...".'

Under the Official Information Act, please provide me with any information that your Government holds which might cause it to regard New Zealand as being an exclusively Anglo-Saxon country, or an exclusively White country. The background is that Feminist law degraders (self-styled "law reformers") have repeatedly pushed the line that New Zealand has to have gender-related laws which ape those of countries such as Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom -- sometimes including all the (mainly White) OECD countries.

The latest example is the lying man-hater, Jan Logie, who, in her interview about sexual violence with TV One's Q+A, said that she wanted to amend the laws in order to "bring us into line with the UK, Australia and Canada" (see line 89 of my transcript). She did not explain why we had to be in line with those countries.

Similarly, in her interview on TV3's Newshub Nation, she stated (3 minutes and 34 seconds into the discussion) that she wanted the pre-recording of evidence to take place here to the same extent as it does in Australia, Canada and the UK.. Later (10 minutes and 22 seconds into the discussion) she said that the UK, Canada and Australia are "the jurisdictions that we compare ourselves to." She does not say what right she has to stipulate who we compare ourselves to, or why we should compare ourselves to these countries on these sorts of issues.

I have a Law degree and I can see no relevance to sexual violence case procedures of the fact that these countries are Common Law countries, like us. India is also a Common Law country, but Logie doesn't like Indians, apparently. These details of courtroom procedure are not specific to Common Law countries, but must be dealt with in every jurisdiction on the surface of the Globe.

What we have is a continual process of racist Feminist leapfrogging in law reform. Feminists in the UK, Australia Canada and New Zealand are constantly pushing the Law in an anti-male direction and, as soon as the Feminists in one of these countries manages to tighten the legal screws a bit more on the men that it hates, the Feminists in the other countries say, "Oh look! We have to keep up with the Joneses -- as long as they are White or English-speaking."

Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab


Eventually, I received the following reply:



undated letter from Prime Minister, attached to email of 2nd July 2021


I then wrote to the Ombudsman as follows:


Dear sir/Madam,


Could you please investigate and review the Prime Minister's refusal to comply with my OIA request (see two attached documents)?

The Prime Minister's office states that my request is frivolous OR vexatious OR that the information requested is trivial. For a start, her office does not seem to have a definite feeling as to whether my request is frivolous or vexatious, but merely lists those two descriptions as possible options. Secondly, it does not even seem to know whether one of those two options is the case, or whether the problem is that the information requested is trivial. In other words, it is just copying the words from the statute as a convenient way of avoiding having to address the actual request which I made.

However, as I stated in my letter to her,

"The background is that Feminist law degraders (self-styled "law reformers") have repeatedly pushed the line that New Zealand has to have gender-related laws which ape those of countries such as Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom -- sometimes including all the (mainly White) OECD countries."

This raises important Human Rights and constitutional issues and I would like to know where the Government stands on this issue. It is not a case of asking them to create new information, as I assume that they already have information on this fundamental issue.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab


The following year, having received no substantive response from the Ombudsman, I asked his office for an update and received the following reply on 14/03/2022:



Dear Mr Zohrab

At this stage, your complaint is still waiting to be allocated to an investigator. I’m not able to provide a definitive estimate as to when your complaint will be allocated, but as soon as it is, you will be advised.

Kind regards

Leanne Stewart

Acting Manager, Investigation and Resolution

Office of the Ombudsman | Tari o te Kaitiaki Mana Tangata

DDI 04 460 9725 | Phone 04 473 9533 | Fax 04 471 2254

Email leanne.stewart@ombudsman.parliament.nz | www.ombudsman.parliament.nz

PO Box 10152, Level 7, SolNet House, 70 The Terrace, Wellington

NB: I am not available on Wednesdays.

IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email may be confidential or legally privileged. It is intended solely for the recipient or recipients named in this message. Please note that if you are not the intended recipient you are not authorised to use, copy or distribute the email or any information contained in it. If you have received this email in error, please advise the sender immediately and destroy the original message and any attachments.

IMPORTANT: The information contained in this email may be confidential or legally privileged. It is intended solely for the recipient or recipients named in this message. Please note that if you are not the intended recipient you are not authorised to use, copy or distribute the email or any information contained in it. If you have received this email in error, please advise the sender immediately and destroy the original message and any attachments.



On 2 September 2022, I received an emailed letter from the Chief Ombudsman himself, in which he gave his provisional opinion and invited me to comment.  He requested confidentiality, until he formed his final opinion.  I am respecting this confidentiality. 

Here is the response which I sent to him, which does not refer to the substantive contents of his letter:



7 September 2022

Peter Boshier
Chief Ombudsman

Dear Mr. Boshier,

I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 2 September 2022.

The only comment I would like to make on it is that it is illegal, in terms of Natural Justice, as you have a clear bias in relation to the issues involved and you should have recused yourself. As a former judge, you should have been aware of that fact.

Your bias derives from the fact that you are associated with the anti-male (and irrational) White Ribbon campaign and have been a Family Court judge, which has long been the object of criticism for being anti-male and "corrupt".

All my substantive criticisms of your letter follow from your bias, so I will not waste my time detailing them.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab



I soon received the following reply from the Chief Ombudsman:



Letter from Chief Ombudsman dated 13.9.2022



I am not including his provisional opinion (referred to above), because then I would have to give my opinion on that opinion, which I do not intend to do, because his bias makes it inappropriate to take his opinion seriously.



Please note that, when I said (above) that it was illegal in terms of Natural Justice for the Chief Ombudsman not to recuse himself in this matter, I did not mean that it was illegal in terms of New Zealand law.  The law is supposed to be based on morality and Natural Justice -- but only as they are interpreted by politicians and judges.



See also:



Someone has let women out of the kitchen -- and they have been telling lies ever since!




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

25 February 2024
