> International Organisations
Empowering Men
feminist lies
Issues: International Organisations
Summary Haiku:
Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.
Abuse of Power and Intrusion into Privacy by New Zealand Broadcasters and by the New Zealand Parliament
Complaint to Human Rights Committee re Institute of Judicial Studies
Domestic Violence, Predetermination and Feminised Bureaucracy
Fascist phrase "Equality for Women" and the Paradox of the Axe
Feminazi UN High Commissioner for Human Rights proves that Pinochet must have been a great man!
Feminists use Human Rights Institution to Oppress Men
Gender Equality as Scam Economics
Hypocrisy of UN Secretary-General on Human Rights
International Men's Criminal Court
International Pro-Male Association letter to the WHO
Introducing the International Pro-Male Association
Introducing International Pro-Male Association (II)
Jan Logie: Man-Hating as a Religion
Journalistic Incompetence of BBC Feminist Political Party
Lies, Damned Lies & U. N. Statistics
Mensonges, sacrés mensonges et statistiques de l'ONU
Mentiras, danadas mentiras e as estatísticas
das NU
Mentiras, malditas mentiras y estadísticas de las NU
Need to Abolish CEDAW or the United Nations Itself
Resolution re UN Study on Violence Against Women
State of the World’s Children 2006 (Gender)
UN and an Incompetent Football Player Call Kiri Te Kanawa "Macho" and "Sexist".
UN Development Program Director and Bias against Men
United Nations and Abortion
Unsuitability of Christine Lagarde for IMF Managing Director
Using Groupwork to Dominate Boys in Schools
Western Lesbian Feminist Neocolonialism
WHO Anti-Male Sexism
World Economic Forum's "Global Gender Gap Index" Confidence Trick
Zohrab v Attorney-General & Others
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Peter Douglas Zohrab
Latest Update
24 September 2023