Home > Issues > The Totalitarianisation of the Judiciary

The Black Ribbon Campaign

Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies


The Totalitarianisation of the Judiciary

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Combatting Distributed Dictatorship

Complaint to Human Rights Committee

De-Dumbing Up: Rolling Back Feminism and Liberating Men

Diversity in the Judicature

Dykes Rule, OK: the disciplined Lesbian agencies of the New Zealand police and legal system

Femifascist Indoctrination of UK Judiciary

Feminist Hypocrisy

Gender Differences in Domestic Violence

Institute of Judicial Studies

Legal Profession’s Scientific Incompetence

Reforming Institute of Judicial Studies

Removal of the Chief Justice

Return of the Inquisition to Spain

Sian Elias' Coup d'état

Submission on proposed legislation against the incitement of hatred/hostility

Zohrab v Attorney-General & Ors



Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

4 December 2021
