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Diversity in the Judicature

© Peter Zohrab 2015

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(Open Letter to the Attorney-General)


Dear Mr. Finlayson,

Diversity in the Judicature

I have written to you previously about the notion of “Diversity”, since it appears to play an important role in the Institute of Judicial Studies, which teaches our judges what to think on various topics, apparently. However, I have not asked you to state your position on the following issue:

Is it appropriate for the Institute of Judicial Studies to have a so-called “Diversity Committee”, while at the same time the head judges of the mainstream courts (District Court, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court) are all female?

The Chief District Court Judge is Judge Jan-Marie Doogue; the Chief High Court Judge is Justice Helen Winkelmann, the President of the Court of Appeal is Justice Ellen France and the Chief Justice is of course Dame Sian Elias.

Could you please state your stance on this issue, because it seems to me that either the Judiciary does not understand the meaning of diversity, or it is a word which is understood by them in an irrational and discriminatory sense.



We are all dependent on having an intelligent and non-corrupt judiciary, where "non-corrupt" includes freedom from political corruption and bias. Obviously, there is the issue of the independence of the judiciary from the executive and from the legislature. On the other hand, if we have a rogue judiciary, something has to be done about it. So I am extremely pleased to have received the reply below:


Letter from Attorney-General dated 31.8.2015


(By email -- slightly edited)


4 September 2015

(Open Letter to the Attorney-General)


Dear Mr. Finlayson,


Thank you for your letter dated 31 August 2015, which reveals that Her Honour Justice Winkelmann has moved upstairs to the Court of Appeal, and that His Honour Justice Venning is now Chief High Court Judge.


My letters of 7 March 2015 (rmovsian.html) and 16 July 2015 (divejudi.html) had complained that the heads of all the mainstream courts were female. That is now no longer the case.

The relevance to the above issue of the Diversity Committee of the Institute of Judicial Studies is, of course, that the Judiciary controls the Institute of Judicial Studies, as well as being taught by it. If the Judiciary does not practise diversity, questions then arise as to:

a) whether the Judiciary tells the Institute to teach that women (unlike men) are inherently "diverse"; or

b) whether The Institute it teaching diversity to the judges but the judges are not learning what they are being taught.


Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

4 September 2015
