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fighting feminist lies


Issues: Stupidity

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Abolition of Human and Environmental History

Are Women just Dumb ?

"Black Lives Matter" Movement is Sexist and Racist


"Competent Feminist Lawyer" is a Contradiction in Terms

David Lange found his LLB unchallenging

De-Dumbing Up: Rolling Back Feminism and Liberating Men

Epidemic of Political Stupidity in NaZealand

Expulsion of Jan Logie from Parliament

Fake News Meets Fake Education:The Gross Incompetence of Professor Sir Peter Gluckman, Associate Professor Ian Lambie and TV3's Lisa Owen; also the Gross Corruption of the Ministry of Justice

Fascism of the EU Parliament's President


Fascist Thickshit, David Cunliffe

Female Power and Control through the Service Sector

Feminazi Conspiracy and Family Violence Homicides

Feminism, Brains and the Workplace

Feminism is about Equality. Yeah right.

Feminism is the Real Mammoth.

Feminist Dumbism in Cherry (1995)

Feminist Jurisprudence Proves that a Woman's Place is in the Home

Feminist Matriarchy's Abuse of Men and Children

Feminist Mob Rule at Universities

Feminist Reasoning

Feminists Can't Think, but They Can Bully.

Frontman Fallacy


Hostile Sexist Feminist Psychologist Misinterprets Research to Attack Men

Hypocrisy of UN Secretary-General on Human Rights

Incompetence and Man-Hating Victimisation of Men


Incompetence of the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development

In Praise of Peter Conroy

Insanity of Uncle Tom Groves

Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of the Fathers' Movement

Intellectually Incompetent Prime Minister Murders Australian Women.

Irrational Women and Child Discipline

Is Feminism wasted space in International Relations theory?

Kiwi men should vote for New Zealand First in the 2017 General Election


Matriarchy Awareness Test

Men Going Their Own Way

Moronic Women at Oxford University

New Zealand, the Nazi Germany of the South Pacific

On being sane in an insane country


Open Letter about Tranz Metro railway Discrimination and Cultural Lesbianism

Owen Glenn: A Fool and his Money are Soon Parted

"People's Report": Self-Contradiction, Sexism and Stupidity

Psychologists and Women Don't Have the Brains to Study Intelligence

Racist, Nick Tipping

Racist Education System

Scribblers who call themselves "Stuff" think that "New Zealand" is a silly name!

Sexist, Anti-Male Bullying by Microsoft Corporation


Sexual bias, fathers’ rights, domestic violence, and the Family Court – a reply to Wendy Davis

Stupidity about the word "Indigenous"

Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (1)

Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (2)

Submission on proposed legislation against the incitement of hatred/hostility

System is Rigged Against Donald Trump, because he is a Man!

Totalitarian Bullying by the Retailer, "The Warehouse Group "

Transcript of TV journalist Cathy Newman’s grilling of Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson

Two Sexist White Ribbon Bullies Bite the Dust!

Unscientific Radical Feminist Insurgency inside Police National Headquarters


Why do Fathers Wake up One Morning and Realise They have No Rights ?

Willful Defamation and Oppression of Men




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

31 October 2024
