We are all judges and jurors in the Court of public opinion, so to speak,
but only one side of the case gets stated in Western media and in Western
education systems, on Sex War issues. Because of the lack of organized Masculist
resistance, Feminists are allowed to get away with all kinds of sophistry.
Feminists are allowed to plead both sides of an argument in different
contexts. They have acquired a Women's Room at Victoria University of
Wellington (New Zealand), so that women can breast-feed in private --
but one Male Feminist journalist on Radio New Zealand thought it was so
obvious that a female Parliamentarian in Australia should be allowed to
breast-feed her baby in Parliament's Debating Chamber that he didn't even
bother to hide his prejudice from listeners ! The point is that some men
might be embarrassed by bare breasts in public, and some men might not
-- but it is not up to women to decide by themselves
that they need privacy for breast-feeding in one context, but that they
should be allowed to breast-feed in public in another context !
One Law School tutor made a cynical aside to the females in her tutorial
about how, in Tort law, pregnant women were not regarded as fully mentally
competent. She backed her criticism up by saying that pregnant women were
obviously competent to hold down jobs. I pointed out that she could not
possibly use the fact that that pregnant women held down jobs in New Zealand
as evidence that pregnant women were mentally competent, because it was
illegal under Human Rights
legislation for an employer to discriminate against pregnant women ! There
could be any number of mentally incompetent pregnant women holding down
jobs, because the Feminists had got a law passed that made them declared
competent !
In a Parliamentary Select Committee hearing, I
mentioned some research that I had come across that showed that pregnant
women in fact do not function as well mentally as when they are not pregnant.
I was challenged on this point by Labour MP Lianne Dalziell (Minister
of Immigration and Associate Minister of Justice -- later Mayor of Christchuch),
so I offered to send her the precise reference. She then said she didn't
want to have the reference to the research article ! In other words, she
was simply not interested in research results that contradicted her Feminist