The Issue of the Dykeocracy
Empowering Men
feminist lies
Issues: the Dykeocracy
Summary Haiku:
Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.
Abolition of Men's Human Rights in New Zealand
A First Course in the Dykist Language
A Sexist Dyke in Parliament
Abstracts relating to Lesbian Domestic Violence
Abuse of Power and Intrusion into Privacy by New Zealand Broadcasters and by the New Zealand Parliament
Andrew Little Lies Like a Girl.
Are All Kiwi Women Dykes?
Are there any Human Rights in New Zealand?
Bread and Circuses
Daterape Scenarios
Dykeocracy and David Farrar
Dykes Rule, OK: the disciplined Lesbian agencies of the New Zealand police and legal system
Epidemic of Political Stupidity in NaZealand
Examples of Apparently Lesbian Feminists
Expulsion of Jan Logie from Parliament
Green MP Jan Logie Proves that Women's Suffrage Should Be Repealed
Hidden Dykes of Television New Zealand
Honey Trap and Selling Out
If Jacinda Ardern is Lipstick on a Pig, Who is the Pig that she is the Lipstick on?
Incitement of Hatred Against Men by Women's Refuge
Incompetence and Man-Hating Victimisation of Men
Intellectually Incompetent Prime Minister Murders Australian Women.
Jan Logie: Man-Hating as a Religion
Lesbian Feminists
Lying Logie Cons Parliament Into Convicting Innocent Men.
Media Sexism and Stupidity in Alliance with University Sexism and Stupidity
More Fake News from the Lesbians at the Radio New Zealand Cesspit
Multiculturalism and the Sex War
Obituary: Jeanette Fitzsimons
Personal is Political
Physical Bullying, Racism, Sexism and Lies by Christchurch City Library Staff
Psychodynamics of the Sex War
Sexist and Racist Wellington City Council
Sexual Violence Interview of Jan Logie by Q+A (Transcript)
Stalinist-Lesbian-Maori Medicines Policy Cons the People and Destroys Democracy and Human Rights.
Two Sexist White Ribbon Bullies Bite the Dust!
Unscientific Radical Feminist Insurgency inside Police National Headquarters
Unscientific Radical Feminist Interference in Pacific Islands Internal Affairs
Western Lesbian Feminist Neocolonialism
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Peter Douglas Zohrab
Latest Update
22 November 2022