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Are All Kiwi Women Dykes?© Peter Zohrab 2015 |
Here (above) is a statue of a (faceless) Maori WOMAN at the National War Memorial Park in Wellington, New Zealand. There are no statues of men allowed there by the Kiwi Dykeocracy.Kiwidykes consider that men die in battle as a service to women. What about the men who die who have no female partner, or no living mother, or no female children? Do they also die as a service to women?
Here (above) is a statue of a WOMAN and children in the Hall of Memories at the National War Memorial Park in Wellington, New Zealand. There are no statues of men allowed there by the Kiwi Dykeocracy. Notice that there is even an exhibition of women's clothing there!Kiwidykes consider that men die in battle as a service to women. What about the men who die who have no female partner, or no living mother, or no female children? Do they also die as a service to women?
As far as I can see, all Kiwi women are dykes. And the men are too gutless to stand up to them. No New Zealand women have ever been conscripted into the armed forces or been killed in battle, as far as I am aware. Yet images of men are censored from the National War Memorial Park.Moreover, the site is even used for exhibitions of WOMEN's clothing, and the official webpage http://www.mch.govt.nz/pukeahu-national-war-memorial-park (as at 28th December 2015) features the photograph of a WOMAN bugler!Once upon a time, men had the vote, and women didn't, so men and women were not equal. At that time, men were liable to be drafted into the frontline in wartime, but women weren't, so men and women were not equal.Then the Feminists demanded equality, so women got the vote -- but they did not demand that women be liable to be drafted into the frontline in wartime. So now women elect and serve in governments that draft men and send them to kill and maim and be killed and be maimed -- against their will. THAT is Feminist "equality."
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