> Fathers' Rights
Empowering Men
feminist lies
Issues: Fathers' Rights
Summary Haiku:
Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.
Abolish the Fascist Human Rights Commission!
Andrew Little Lies Like a Girl.
Annotated Research Bibliography on Joint Custody
Another Taxpayer-Funded Man-Hater
Case against Canadian Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin
Child-Support, Abortion and the Family Court
Conflict of Interest and the Family Court
Consistency with NZBORA of Corrections (Mothers with Babies) Amndmt Bill
De-Dumbing Up: Rolling Back Feminism and Liberating Men
Discrimination entre les femmes et les hommes
Divorce Law Practice: The Invisible Engine of a Matrilinear Society
Family Court Injustice
Fascist Green-Party Lardball and the Bonobofication of the Human Species
Fathers' Rights Resources
Female Promiscuity: Annotated Transcript of Bettina Arndt's video about Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern
Feminists and the Family
Feminist Sexism and Violence
Feminists Frightened by Emerging Equality
Grossly Biased Counsel for the Child
How the New Zealand Matriarchy Drives up the Cost of Houses.
Hunger-Striker's Manifesto
If women could tell the difference between fact and fiction
In Praise of Peter Conroy
Incompetence and Unprofessionalism of the American Psychological Association
Insanity of Uncle Tom Groves
Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of the Fathers' Movement
Judicial Raping of the American Male
Justice Ginsburg's Attempt to Head Off the Right to Life
Laura Purdy on pregnant women's obligations
Law School Proves that Family Court Must Be Opened Up.
Lower Hutt Public Enemy #1
Manifeste d'un gréviste de la faim
Marriage as Economic Exploitation of the Male
More On The So-Called "Corruption" of the Family Courts
On Liberty and Law: An appeal for a different approach
Open Letter to Family Law Section, New Zealand Law Society
Open Letter to Principal Family Court Judge Peter Boshier
Open Letter to the Family Court of Australia
Reforming New Zealand Family Law
Repeated Scenario
Review of
Family Law Policy in New Zealand
R.M. Stead, NZEEF Hero 2003
Schapelle Corby and the Family Court
Sexual bias, fathers’ rights, domestic violence, and the Family Court
Siegel's View of Abortion Aborts Both Men and Babies.
So-Called "Corruption" of the Family Courts
State religion is feminism.
Submission On Family Court Dispute Resolution
Submission on preventing child abuse & improving children's health
Submission on the Care of Children Bill
Submission on the Family Court Proceedings Reform Bill -- version 1
Submission on the Family Court Proceedings Reform Bill -- version 2
Submission on the Family Courts Matters Bill
Submission on Review of the Family Court Practice Note
Submission to Law Commission on Abortion Law Reform 2018
Suggested Top Six Demands by New Zealand Fathers' Movement
Television programme shows Bias in Family Court
Two Songs about Parental Alienation
What makes a father kill his children?
Why do Fathers Wake up One Morning & Realise They have No Rights ?
Zohrab v Attorney-General & Others
Email us !
Peter Douglas Zohrab
Latest Update
4 March 2023