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The Black Ribbon Campaign

Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies



by Erik Burch


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Old enough now, once the apple of his eye
What happened to my daddy, whose alibi?
Mom kept him away with the attorney and lies
Taught manipulation and to no great surprise
Her winning the war meant cutting our ties
And turning her children into Nazi Youth spies
Where are you daddy? Daddy!
A charade, taken hostage, replaced yet alive
I played an accomplice, just to survive

Mom taught me to hate him in sick subtle ways
It left me confused, so sad, yet amazed
That I was so blind, brainwashed and taken
Her jealous self-loathing left my father forsaken
It was all too easy; it was destroyed
The God given bond we once enjoyed
With my daddy…daddy
Alienation or whatever you call it
Severed my dad to just a limb with a wallet

No one comes to the father except through the court
Knock and be sent away from crimes cohort
Ask be denied from dad’s warm hands be pried
Turn a blind eye to the man that cried
Seek and be fined, daddy’s baby at stake
Never given a fair shake but a poisonous snake
Replaced my daddy…daddy!
All made official, bias condoned
I’m just a pawn, a pawn to be owned

Little girl, you’re not thinking clearly, don’t treat me this way
Not knowing whom you’re hurting, don’t be lead astray, maybe someday…
It’s already dark outside, I’m not out of your reach as your losing your

So hear me, be near me, come back to me.

It’s still not clear, without a clue
They’re in control of the lies in the best interest of who?
Father’s forgotten, swept under the carpet
Stuck in the mud, bones in the tar pit
I was forgiven but I never came
Now the wedge driven, nothing’s the same
We killed you daddy! Sorry daddy!
Too small to save you, can I ever forgive
Myself, the part of us that failed to live?
So tragic daddy… Daddy!




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

8 July 2015
