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More On The So-Called "Corruption" of the Family Courts

Peter Zohrab 2018

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(see http://blackribboncampaign.altervista.org/fcorrupt.html)


1.The term "corruption" is not an explanation; it is an admission of a failure to explain or comprehend.

2. Therefore, it is not explanatory to say that "corruption" is not a feature of legal professionals, but of some other group, such as Child Protection Services or other people in the Social Sciences or Social Services.

3. Various people use the term "corruption", when what we need is an explanation of what the actual phenomena are that are causing problems.

4. My explanation for the above is that the problem is multi-disciplinary, because Feminist zealots have infected or taken over every profession -- including the Legal System, the Social Sciences and Social Welfare professionals.

5. This is why I have always preferred the Men's Movement to the Fathers' Movement, because the former (though smaller) actually realises where to look for the source of the problem (i.e. in Feminism), whereas the latter only got drawn into this political process because of their own particular Family Court problems, and they want to "Keep it simple, stupid!" (or, at least, they used to), by trying to limit the scope of their intellectual inquiry to as close to the Family Court itself as possible.

6. The problem is multi-disciplinary and requires a multi-disciplinary response. I am fortunate, in that I have been an almost perpetual student, now having Bachelor or Diploma qualifications in languages, Linguistics, Law, Philosophy and Political Science -- plus a near-qualification in Psychology and some papers in Information Technology and Biology. However, there are relevant fields, such as Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology, that I know almost nothing about.

7. So "corruption" covers a multitude of "sins", which probably differ greatly from case to case, and boil down (it seems to me) to decisions being made which seem absurd on their face. However, in the context of the ideology and education background of those (lawyers, judges or social workers) who make the decisions, those decisions are not absurd and need to be understood, so that their antecedents can be combatted. Various people use the term "corruption", when what we need is an explanation of what the actual phenomena are that are causing problems.

Summary Haiku:

Men have no rights,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

17 April 2018
