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Racist Maori Health Minister

(three times updated)

Peter Zohrab 2021

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Letter to Prime Minister

Reply from Minister

Email to Ombudsman

Reply from Ministry of Health



(Open Letter to the Prime Minister)


Dear Jacinda Ardern,


On 18 May 2021, I wrote to the Minister for the COVID-19 response as follows:

'The following group is stated on page 10 of your online document "Covid-19 Vaccine: Protecting Aotearoa" to be part of Group 2 for COVID-19 vaccination purposes:

Older Maori and Pacific people cared for by whanau
(and the people they live with and their carers).

As such, that group will be receiving the COVID-19 vaccine ahead of older Non-Maori and Non-Pacific people cared for by family (and the people they live with and their carers).

Under the Official Information Act, could you please tell me what evidence you have that there are no Non-Maori and Non-Pacific who are being people (sic) cared for by family?'

I received a reply from the Ministry of Health, dated 11 June 2021, stating that they had NO evidence that there are no Non-Maori and Non-Pacific (people) who are being cared for by family.



The Ministry of Health did, however, refer me to the release by the Associate Minister for Health (Maori) which is at the following url: https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/significant-support-goes-maori-and-wh%C4%81nau-most-risk-covid-19#:~:text=10%20March%202021-,Significant%20support%20goes%20to%20Maori%20and,at%20risk%20of%20COVID%2D19&text=Associate%20Minister%20for%20Health%20(M%C4%81ori,focus%20on%20protecting%20M%C4%81ori%20wh%C4%81nau.

That page does say:

"We know Maori are more likely to be worse off from the effects of COVID-19. That is why Maori needs are at the forefront of the Government’s Vaccination Programme."

However, the page does not say:

  • Whether it is genetics, or some other factors (such as unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, obesity or drug-taking) that make Maoris worse off from the effects of COVID-19; or

  • (Since it is unlikely to be genetics) whether Non-Maoris with those same factors are just as badly off from the effects of COVID-19 as Maoris.


The Associate Minister of Health, Peeni Henare, therefore, appears to be a racist and to hate Non-Maoris.


Under the Official Information Act, could you please inform me

  1. Whether it is genetics, or some other factors (such as unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, obesity or drug-taking) that make Maoris worse off from the effects of COVID-19; and

  2. (Since it is unlikely to be genetics) whether Non-Maoris with those same factors are just as badly off from the effects of COVID-19 as Maoris.


Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab


I soon received the following reply:



Tena koe Peter

Your email below has been to the office Hon Peeni Henare, Associate Minister of Health for his consideration. You have requested the following information under the Official Information Act;

"Under the Official Information Act, could you please inform me

1. Whether it is genetics, or some other factors (such as unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, obesity or drug-taking) that make Maoris worse off from the effects of COVID-19; and

2. (Since it is unlikely to be genetics) whether Non-Maoris with those same factors are just as badly off from the effects of COVID-19 as Maoris."

Your request is best responded to by the Ministry of Health, and has therefore been transferred to officials at the Ministry for their attention and action.

Nga mihi,

Office of Hon Peeni Henare
Minister of Defence | Minister for Whanau Ora | Associate Minister of Health (Maori)|
Associate Minister of Tourism | Associate Minister of Housing (Maori) | MP for Tamaki Makaurau
Reception: 04 817 8721 | www.labour.org.nz



Because I received no reply from the Ministry of Health, I wrote to the Ombudsman as follows on 24th September 2021:


Dear sir/Madam,

Could you please investigate the failure of the Ministry of Health to reply to my attached Official Information Act request (to the Prime Minister), which was replied to by the Associate Minister of Health (see below) and referred by him to the Ministry?

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab


On 28th September 2021, I received the following undated letter as an email attachment:




See also:




Someone has let women out of the kitchen -- and they have been telling lies ever since!




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

29 September 2021
