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Response to Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories curriculum content in national curriculumPeter Zohrab 2021 |
Submitted on 2021-05-27 05:14:18
Please tell us who you are1 I am responding as:Community member
2 Region:Canterbury and Chatham Islands - Waitaha
3 My answers relate to the draft content for:Both (English and Maori curriculums)
4 Ethnicity:No ethnicity. I am not ethnocentric or racist like you.
5 Which iwi do you affiliate to?N/AYour views6 I think the content reflects the stories our young people need to know.Strongly Disagree
Please comment:It is politically biased and predetermines a certain moral conclusion. It ignores the complexity of pre-European prehistory, starts with the fiction of a single Maori people and concentrates on the racist term "colonialism", as if that was substantially different or worse than the various events which preceded it, over a much longer period. So-called "Colonialism" was carried out by Whites, and this term is used to create a moral case for Non-White Supremacy (Marxism: "superstructure") to enable the subjugation of Whites by Maoris, in temporary alliance with Pacific New Zealanders and any others (e.g. Moslems) who they can drag into alliance with them.It lies about the name of the country, which is "New Zealand" -- not "Aotearoa New Zealand". Even if it were "Aotearoa New Zealand", it would only be "Aotearoa New Zealand" in English. In Maori, it would always just be "Aotearoa", because Maoris are racist. You are quite right to say,
However, the draft curriculum itself constitutes an ideology and beliefs which express the power of Maoris within the media, the education system, the public service and the Labour Party. This is a Maori-centric curriculum, which is totally inappropriate in a democracy. Maoris don't understand democracy, since they didn't have it before the Whites came. This is a divisive, anti-democratic document, which will lead to civil war -- i.e. to the pre-White state of affairs, where might was right and slavery and violence ruled the roost. It is an arrogant document, written by stupid people who think that they know better than others.7 I think the content will encourage more diverse local stories to be acknowledged and learnt by young people in school and kura.Agree8 I believe the content reflects our bicultural history as a nation.Strongly DisagreePlease comment:That is a lie. Unfortunately, women have been let out of the kitchen and are busy telling lies everywhere they go. Women don't have enough testosterone, which has been proven to reduce lying. The draft curriculum appears to avoid mentioning the Treaty of Waitangi, which does not mention culture. Britain was already multicultural when the treaty was signed, so the treaty was not a bicultural document. We do not have a bicultural history. We have a multicultural history. Even the Maoris were multicultural, before the contrast with the Whites made them appear to be monolithic "Maoris".Your views - continued9 I am most interested in young people learning and developing:Please select up to three drop-down options:Awareness of the differing local regional and national Maori historiesI am most interested in young people learning and developing::A greater interest in historyI am most interested in young people learning and developing:A range of interesting and relevant topics10 I think the greatest challenge(s) will be:Please select up to three drop-down options:Managing teacher biases on different historical accountsI think the greatest challenge(s) will be:Teacher and kaiako lack of in-depth history knowledgeI think the greatest challenge(s) will be:Coverage of iwi stories, where there are many iwi connected to an areaPlease comment:As the saying goes, the victors write the history books. The Maoris have conquered Wellington and the Labour Party, so now the Maoris are writing the history curriculum. Similarly, iwis and hapus who have possession of their lands by virtue of the genocide which their ancestors perpetrated on the previous inhabitants are not likely to admit (or even remember) what actually happened. So our kids will be taught fake history, which is one reason why New Zealand history should not be taught in schools.11 Some Aotearoa New Zealand historical events are more important to me than others: (Select all that you would like to provide feedback on, and comment as selected) National History, Regional History, Local History, Iwi HistoryNational History:All historical events are important -- including the Maori genocide perpetrated on the Chatham Island Morioris and any other genocides which surface in the course of future research.
Regional History:All historical events are important -- including the Maori genocide perpetrated on the Chatham Island Morioris and any other genocides which surface in the course of future research.Local History:All historical events are important -- including the Maori genocide perpetrated on the Chatham Island Morioris and any other genocides which surface in the course of future research.Iwi History:All historical events are important -- including the Maori genocide perpetrated on the Chatham Island Morioris and any other genocides which surface in the course of future research.12 Other comments on this work that I would like to share are:(For example, please note if this response is on behalf of a group):This curriculum is an exercise in Maori colonisation of the rest of the population.
See also:
Someone has let women out of the kitchen -- and they have been telling lies ever since!