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The Black Ribbon Campaign

Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies

Sex, Lies & Feminism

by Peter Zohrab



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1999 Version

2002 Version




1999 Version

This book is dedicated to Walter Bloomfield, who, like many other men, died of a form of cancer that the Feminists were not interested in.

I would like to thank Glenn Cheriton for suggesting the overall format and the book titles with which I am in the process of presenting my views on the Sex War. The present book is intended to be the first of a series of three books on this general topic.

I would also like to acknowledge a debt to my paternal grandmother, Miriam Mabin, for indirectly passing on to me the Mabin "stubbornness gene", sine qua non.

And I would, finally, like to acknowledge a debt of gratitude to Roger ("Flower"1) Fowler2, and Robert Crowell. They probably won't be able to guess why, if they ever find out !



"It's the babies who cry who get the milk" (Chinese proverb quoted in "China Today" Vol. XLV No.1 January 1996, page 15).

"If the men of this country cannot be bothered to get up and fight for their rights, then, frankly, they barely deserve to have any" (Thomas: "Not Guilty: In Defence of the Modern Man". London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, page 87).

"I don't give a sh** what you think"(Gloria Steinem in 1992, when refusing a request from a television journalist to comment on the views of Camille Paglia at a New York public meeting).


1 "Flower" was used by Pat Hammond to address Roger Fowler on one occasion, which led me to assume that that was his nickname.

2 In fact, since writing those words, I have spoken to Roger Fowler about this -- and he couldn't guess.


2002 Version


This is the first hard-copy edition of this book, a revised edition of the version which was published by Megahard Inc. in PDF (Acrobat electronic) format in August 2000. It is the result of about fourteen years' reading, thinking, and political action. When I first decided to become a Men's Rights activist, I did not know there were, or had ever been, any others in the world. Even when I discovered some in other countries, I did not know any others in my home country, New Zealand. It was initially a lonely struggle.

In more recent years, men and fathers around the globe have been networking nationally and internationally, and I am grateful for the support of members of MERA (New Zealand Men for Equal Rights Association), Inc., formerly known as the MRA (New Zealand Men's Rights Association), of members of the New Zealand Equality Party, and of my colleagues in other countries. I would like to mention Frank Zepezauer, Richard Doyle, Brian O'Higgins, Kingsley Morse, Lindsay Jackel, John Knight, Kenneth Pangborn, and Dave Usher, in particular.

Anyone interested in further information on the issues raised in the present book should visit one of the following websites:






I would like to thank Glenn Cheriton for suggesting the title of this book, and Rod Van Mechelen for his editorial work as publisher of the original PDF electronic version. I have also benefited from comments and contributions by Kenneth Pangborn, Ron Dunkerley, Hugh Nations, Dr. Eduard Bakalar, Max Aston, and Lee Math.

I owe a great debt to my paternal grandmother, Miriam Mabin, for indirectly passing on to me the Mabin "stubbornness gene," sine qua non.

And, finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Roger ("Flower"1) Fowler and Robert Crowell. In 2000, I met Roger on the street (after 24 years !) and had to explain why, and Robert probably won't be able to guess why either, if he ever finds out !


1 "Flower" was used by Pat Hammond to address Roger Fowler on one occasion, which led me to assume that that was his nickname.




Chapter 1: Feminist Narcicissism & Political Power

Chapter 2: Circumcision

Chapter 3: Rape

Chapter 4: The Domestic Violence Lie

Chapter 5: False Accusations & the Child-Abuse Lie

Chapter 6: The "Male Justice System" Lie

Chapter 7: Employment Issues

Chapter 8: The Education Lies

Chapter 9: Lies, Damned Lies & UN Statistics

Chapter 10: The "Equality" Lie

Chapter 11: The Right of Choice & Abortion

Chapter 12: Sexist Language

Chapter 13: Indoctucation & the Media-University Complex

Chapter 14: The Frontman Fallacy

Appendix: Historical Manifestations of Feminism





Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

5 September 2018
