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Links to Legal Pages for Men

Summary Haiku:

Men get less justice,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Links in Alphabetical Groups


ABA's predatory feminist lawyers

Abuse of law by women: The law is a playground for extortion

Al Qaeda and the MUC-Induced Psychopathology of the West


Activist turned down as lawyer

Affidavit of Hollida Wakefield, M.A., and Ralph Underwager, Ph.D.

Affidavit of Ralph C. Underwager, Ph.D.

Al Qaeda and the MUC-Induced Psychopathology of the West

American Pro Se Association

Assessing Credibility of Children's Testimony

Attorneys who support choice for men



Bad Judges (USA)

"Best Interests of the Child" principle

Bias in the case: R v Danny Brian Mayes

Bribe Judge Busted



Camera catches out False Rape Complaint.

Campus Sex Courts: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

Can I sue ?

Case against Canadian Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin

Character of District Law Society Council members also at issue

Child abuse trial's collapse pitches French justice system into crisis

Child Custody article

Child Custody Coach

Child Custody Litigation

Child Support Agency Denies Fathers Due Process of Law

Collective Misandric Psychosis

Committee to Expose Dishonest and Incompetent Attorneys and Judges

Competent Feminist Lawyer is a Contradiction in Terms

Complaint against the Association Family Conciliation Courts

Conflict of Interest and the Family Court

Crime and Punishment; Rape and Revenge

Criminal Organisation "Farmers Trading Company of New Zealand"

Critique of Legal Advice given by the Ministry of Justice to the Attorney-General on the Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 of the Corrections (Mothers with Babies) Amendment Bill

Courts too lenient with women



Dads' Divorce.com

Dads need fair go - judge

Dad-Vocates: A vocal group of lawyers says the family courts reflect gender bias against fathers

David Lange found his LLB unchallenging.(Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue #3)

Disciplining Lawyers

Discrimination in Sentencing

Discrimination is always Negative

Discrimination juridique au Québec: faits et chiffres

Do Judges Need to Know Linguistics (and everything else, too) ?

Domestic Violence And The Law

Dr. Josie Catania, Elizabeth Sheehy, and other whores of the court

Duhaime's Law Dictionary

Dyke TV Sets Trap for Top Lawyer



Emerging Problem Of Parental Alienation

Enforcement of Contact Orders

Enforcement of contact orders in Australia

Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases

Even judges aren’t immune to gender bias, a new study shows

Ex-head of Crown Prosecution Service becomes first to NOT get damehood in New Years Honours List after rape trial collapses and failure to charge Labour peer Lord Janner for ch1ld sex claims



Family Abuse

Family Court (Australia)

Family court judges won't edit media reports - top judge

Family Court Reform Council of America

Family Law Advice on Divorce, Child Support, Custody, Visitation, Alimony, etc.

Family Law Information

Family Structure and the Law

Father's Homepage

Fathers' Rights Lawyer

Female Serial Killers

Feminazi Law Students Become Feminazi Lawyers and Judges

Feminist Fallacies Hurt Police Training

Feminist Jurisprudence Proves that a Woman's Place is in the Home

Feminist Law

Feminist Lawyers and Judges

Feminist Legal Theory

Feminist Mob Rule at University Law Courses

Feminist Research is Oppression.

Finding Court Opinions on the Web

Former Prime Minister Endorses Criticism of Former Governor-General

Fourth World Congress on Family Law and the Rights of Children



Gender bias in prison sentencing

Gender Equity and Efstratiou v Glantschnig


Hendriks v. The Netherlands

Hieros Gamos: Law and Legal Research Center

How to File in the US Supreme Court

Human Rights Pitted Against Man



'If you were a man, you'd be going to jail,' judge tells woman burglar

Incarceration is not an equal opportunity punishment

Influence of Non-Legal Research on Legal Approaches to Ex Parte Domestic Violence Protection Orders

Institute of Judicial Studies (Introduction)

Irrational Women and Child Discipline

Is Circumcision a Fraud?

Is it a “Reasonable Man” or a “Reasonable Person” ?

Is Free Speech in Mortal Danger in New Zealand?

Is Professor Matthew Palmer incompetent and totalitarian?



Jeopardy in the Courtroom

Joel Miller's Family Law Centre

Johnson lives her life her way

Judge tells banned drink-driver who caused massive crash: 'I'd have jailed you if you were a man'

Judicial Raping of the American Male




Lagging Behind the Times: Parenthood, Custody, and Gender Bias in the Family Court

La guarda y custodia compartida tendría que ser por imperativo legal

Law Commission (New Zealand)


Law Reform

Law School Proves that Family Court Must Be Opened Up.

Lawyers (US)

Legal and Journalistic Incompetence and Blinkeredness on Men's Issues

Legal Engine.com

Legal References

Legal Research FAQ (US)(part 1 of 2)

Legal Self-Representation Educational Videotapes

Legal Tactics for Men and Fathers

Loi sur l'autorité parentale, la résidence alternée, la prostitution des mineurs, et l'enlèvement international d'enfant

Lower Hutt Public Enemy #1



Male-Friendly Lawyers

"Male Justice System" Lie

Maori Steals From Non-Maori

Massachusetts Rules of Court

Massachusetts Supreme Court Chief Justice's War on Traditional Marriage:

Margaret Marshall's Anti-Family Juggernaut

Media University Complex and the Constitution

Mediation myth

Men Die because Female Police are Physically Incompetent

Men Have to Prove Their Innocence

Men in Prison

MenLaw Email List

Men's Issue of the Law

Men Sentenced To Longer Prison Terms Than Women For Same Crimes, Study Says

Mentira do sistema judicial masculino

Mother of all battles

Motion for Videotaping all Contacts with child



New American Bar Association Article Points to Crisis in False Paternity Judgments

New Evidence

New Star Chamber: The New Jersey Family Court and the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act

New Zealand Equality Education Foundation Submission to the Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct

New Zealand Men's Lawyers Association

Ninety Percent of Male Lawyers are Women (objectively).

No charges for flinging pink d1ld0



One Constitution -- One Nation

Open Letter to Family Law Section, New Zealand Law Society

Open Letter to Helen Clark on Lesbian Feminist Morality

Open Letter to the Tyrant of Injustice

Outrage--Woman Leaves Her Toddler in Car for 8 Hours on Hot Day While at Work, Child Dies, She's Not Charged



Paradigm Shift for Expert Witnesses

Parental Alienation Syndrome

Parental Alienation Syndrome: How to Detect It and What to Do About It

Parents at a Distance

Paul McCartney and Gated Communities

Psychological Evaluations You Need for Trial: What They Can and Cannot Do

Public Interest and Public Ignorance



Quand Mafalda s'enfarge


Reforming New Zealand Family Law

Reforming the Institute of Judicial Studies

Relocation as a Strategy to Interfere with the Child-Parent Relationship

Removal from jurisdiction

Restoring the Presumption of Innocence Conference - LIVE STREAM

Review: The Battered Woman by Lenore E. Walker

Rooting Out Stereotypes About Men In Our Legal System



Sahin v. Germany

Sample Affidavit, Older Child Retraction

Sample Affidavit on Adverse Evaluation

Sample Affidavit on Dolls


Sentencing (Female Offenders)

Sentencing in New Zealand: A Statistical Analysis

Sentencing in New Zealand: a statistical analysis

Sentencing in New Zealand : a statistical analysis

Sexual bias, fathers’ rights, domestic violence, and the Family Court – a reply to Wendy Davis

'SHE DOESN'T GET IT' CPS boss Alison Saunders should be replaced by ‘new broom’ say furious MPs as dozens of rape cases are abandoned.

Shocking Data on Incarceration of Fathers: New Report Suggests Gender Bias

Should it be a “Reasonable Man” or a “Reasonable Person” ?

Sian Elias' Coup d'Etat

Spanish Judge Criticises Domestic Violence Law

Stalking a problem for men and women: StatsCan

State religion is feminism.

Steven & Ellie Lee

Study shows anti-father bias by judge in Italian courts

Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (1)

Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (2)

Stupidity is a Sex-War Issue (3) (David Lange found his LLB unchallenging.)

Submission on Police Conduct

Submission on the Court System

Submission on the Crimes (Provocation Repeal) Amendment Bill

Submission to the Law Commission On Family Court Dispute Resolution

Submission to the Law Commission on Women's Access to Justice

Submission to the Ministry of Justice on the Operation of the Domestic Violence Act 1995

Submission to the New Zealand Law Commission on the Court System


Surveillance Methods As A Defense



Taint Hearings

Television programme shows Bias in Family Court

Tous égaux devant la loi

Three Types of Parental Alienation Syndrome Families

Tracey Swanberg and Dyke TV Tell Lies Because they Can, Because they Want to, Because they Want to.

Treaty of Waitangi has no Principles

Two Legal Rhodes Scholars



Unofficial Men's Access to Justice Project (NZ)

U.S. Constitution



Weaponizing our criminal justice system against men

We The People

'Why I falsely accused father of abusing daughter': Police leant on me to stand by claim, social worker told tribunal

Why Nobody Talks About Blue-Eyed Babies Any More

Without Authority

Women and the Death Penalty

Women are Innocent (by definition)

Women's Brains and the Feminist "Research" Scam

Women's Newspaper Censors News of False Rape Allegations

World Prison Population List (11th Edition)





You can sue, but you can't win (if you're a man)













Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

5 December 2024
