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The Black Ribbon Campaign

Empowering Men:

fighting feminist lies


The Incompetent Journalist, Corin Dann

© Peter Zohrab 2011

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By far the best aspect of the 2011 New Zealand election campaign to date has been the way the public has told the media, with respect to the cup-of-tea saga, to get over themselves and start reporting the real issues. There is really no bunch of power-mad scum like the media. During the Kossovo War, NATO bombed Serbian State Television, so it is surprising that the Western media's war on men has not yet made them a a target.

Take Corin Dann's recent interview of some Left-wing politician or other about his party's policy on the Women's Refuge. TV One's lesbians were the prime movers in creating Women's Refuge as New Zealand's number one public relations scam, by frequently screening so-called "documentaries", which promoted the fiction that domestic violence was something that men did to women. Period. See http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm .

Nowadays, TV One is content just to treat man-haters such as Women's Refuge and the White Ribbon Campaign as sacred cows. Corin Dann, on November 15th's "Breakfast" programme, did not ask a single competent, journalistic question about whether Women's Refuge deserved all the money that this politican was keen to throw at it. Here are some questions which a competent journalist might ask about the Women's Refuge:

Then, two days, later, Corin Dann asked a scientist if there were enough women in science! In other words, Corin Dann is just a girl, using his power as a talking head to pursue a feminist, anti-male agenda.


See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

6 August 2017
