On Sunday 21 August 2011, on TV3's "The
Nation" programme, Duncan Garner was interviewing the Minister of Education,
Anne Tolley. Amongst other questions, he asked her something about what she
was doing to help Maori boys.
Now why should the sexist, racist scum, Duncan Garner single out Maori boys?
If you do a search at the NZQA website, you get results such as the page http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications/ssq/statistics/provider-selected-crystalreport.do
which shows that boys do approximately just as badly, compared to girls, across
all listed ethnicities. For example, at NCEA Level 3 in Year 13, NZ
Maori males do nine percentage points worse than NZ Maori females, NZ European
males do eleven percentage points worse than NZ European females, Pasifika
males do six percentage points worse than Pasifika females, Asian males do
seven percentage points worse than Asian females, and "Other/Unspecified"
males do nine percentage points worse than "Other/Unspecified" females.
It is grossly racist of Garner
to single out Maori boys, and grossly sexist
of him to ignore the fact that it is boys of all ethnicities
who are suffering, compared to girls. Garner is complicit in the insane,
politically correct conspiracy to deny that boys and men have any problems,
so as to keep propping up the myth that women and girls are oppressed by men.
In fact, it is the women who, along with the sexist Media
University Complex, are oppressing men and boys. I once had a liberal
criminal lawyer object to my emphasis on helping males -- he said Maoris were
more disadvantaged. I replied that helping Maoris and men were not
alternatives -- you could do both, since you could make out a case
that both men and Maoris are disadvantaged, judging by the imprisonment statistics.
Maoris are proportionately more imprisoned than Non-Maoris, but men are proportionately
more imprisoned than women. It may be more complicated than that, of course,
but that is a first step in analysing the problems.
Similarly, TVNZ's Guyon Espiner is totally incapable of taking a pro-male
stance on anything -- e.g. on recruiting double standards
in the Police. Duncan Garner is positively open-minded, by comparison!
Espiner has a fine line in sneers. His lip seems to curl at the idea of a
male or White having anything to complain about. Because of the constant brainwashing
that we receive at the hands of the Media University
Complex, society has been totally transformed, and males and Whites do
actually have some things to complain about. That does not mean that women
and Non-Whites have nothing to complain about. The Media
University Complex has brainwashed itself and us, so that
information-dictators such as Guyon Espiner live by the simplistic notions
that male = well-off oppressor and White = well-off oppressor, and he censors
the news accordingly.