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Men's Health in New Zealand

© Peter Zohrab 2013

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(Open Letter to the Minister of Health -- slightly edited)


Dear Mr Ryall,

I am writing to ask what plans you have to address the issue that men’s health has been the victim of continuing neglect by successive governments.

  • The Health ministry’s own webpage http://www.health.govt.nz/nz-health-statistics/health-statistics-and-data-sets/new-zealand-burden-diseases-injuries-and-risk-factors-study-2006-2016#nzbdreports states that, adjusting for age, males experienced 55% more fatal health loss than females but a lighter burden of non-fatal health loss (16% less).

  • In 2006, according to that webpage, males on average could expect to live 78.1 years, whereas females on average could expect to live 82.1 years.

  • A search of the Health Ministry’s website on 21 September 2013 resulted in 14 hits for “gynaecology”, but zero hits for “andrology”, the male equivalent, which I gather is not taught in New Zealand medical schools.

  • A search of the same site on the same day for “women” resulted in 345 hits, whereas a search for “men” resulted in only 76 hits. Of course, I realise that obstetrics increases the presence of women in the health system.

  • Ireland and Australia have published national men’s health policies, whereas New Zealand does not. I refer you to the following two academic articles:

Richardson, Noel (2013):
"Building Momentum, Gaining Traction: Ireland's National Men's Health Policy: Five Years On". New Male Studies Journal, Vol.2 No. 3, 2013.

Misan, Gary (2013):
"Male Health and Male Health Policy in Australia." New Male Studies Journal, Vol.2 No. 3, 2013.

I would also like to draw your attention to my short article on prostate cancer screening at: proscree.html .

Here is the reply which I received from the Minister of Health:


See also:






Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

13 September 2020
