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Techniques Feminists Use to Rule the World -- 1. Hypocrisy

© Peter Zohrab 2005

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Hypocrisy is not unique to Feminists, but it fits in well with the female attitude to language as an activity that is pleasurable in its own right -- rather than being dedicated to the communication of information. This attitude is reflected in idle chit-chat, on the oral side of language, and in literature, on the written side. Both chit-chat and literature are more typically female than male activities.

Early on in my Law studies, an overhead transparency was projected onto the front of a lecture hall, where we students were awaiting the start of a lecture in a compulsory course. It said something like:

You are invited to meet Justice Glazebrook
at (a particular time)
on (a particular day)
in (a particular room).
She will give an address on the topic of
"Women Lawyers ...."


After seeing this a few times in more than one compulsory lecture, I became incensed at the hypocrisy (and discrimination -- see below) that it involved. The invitation, though ostensibly including both the males and the females in the hall, was obviously only for the benefit of the females -- which you could only determine once you go to the bottom line, which indicated that the organisers were a Feminist organisation.

This instance of hypocrisy and discrimination was not unique, as I found when I read the May 2005 edition of Council Brief, the organ of the Wellington District Law Society. Under the heading "NEWS", it published the following article of approximately 180 words:

Renowned domestic violence
prosecutor to speak at WWLA AGM

The Wellington Women Lawyers Association Committee is delighted to have secured Alana Bowman, former deputy city attorney, special assistant to the city attorney office of the Los Angeles city attorney, to speak at this year's AGM.


Anyone who would like to attend but who does not receive and invitation by email or post should contact Clare Stanley: clarestanley@tdsl.co.nz .

The reason why I say that discrimination is involved, as well as hypocrisy, is that the activities that go on at these events are detrimental to the interests of men. Advice from a female Appeal Court judge to female Law students (when no equivalent advice is given to male students) certainly has the potential to disadvantage male lawyers in their careers. And Alana Bowman is famous for treating Domestic Violence in an oppressive, discriminatory, and sexist way as being principally something that men do to women -- see http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm for the research facts.)

I emailed Clare Stanley, asking for an invitation, since I hadn't received one, and she replied as follows:

I am sorry, but the AGM is for women lawyers, or women associated with the law (such as legal executives or law students), as that is what the membership WWLA consists of. My apologies if this was unclear from the invitation. In any event, we are considering cancelling the event, due to poor response.

The purpose of this hypocrisy is to obscure the fact that discrimination is taking place. Male lawyers don't see the need to counter activism by Feminist lawyers, and this hypocritical double-talk serves to prevent the constant repetition of anti-male discrimination from reaching a level that would make them sit up and take notice.




Peter Douglas Zohrab

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23 July 2015
