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Is Amy Adams a Green Party Spy in the National Party?

Peter Zohrab 2016

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The question has to be asked whether Justice Minister Amy Adams, who is a member of the National Party, is actually a Green Party mole, or spy. As you can see from the page Minister of Justice Acts Unfairly and in Secrecy,

  1. she invited people to meet with her and discuss issues relating to rape and domestic violence;

  2. I then offered to meet her to discuss these topics;

  3. but my offer was rejected;

  4. I then asked her for various details about who had applied to meet her, and who had been allowed to meet her;

  5. but she refused to give me any information at all about them;

  6. I then complained to the Ombudsman's Office, and it took nine months for that Office to get Amy Adams to give me the names of the groups and individuals who had applied to meet her, and of those who had been allowed to meet her;

  7. I then found that Amy Adams had rejected nine groups and individuals, but had seen fit to meet with "The Green Party", amongst others!


Here is her final letter on the subject:


Letter from Minister of Justice 23 February 2016
Letter from Minister of Justice 23 February 2016

Amy Adams' office also made it clear to Craig Jackson (a Men's Rights Activist) and myself that she would not have time to read the written material which we had each sent there.

Amy Adams clearly does not believe in proper consultation, but predetermines the outcome of her deliberations by excluding various parties from having their views considered.


See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

14 March 2016
