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Female Teachers Oppress Male Students (slightly edited and five times updated)

Peter Zohrab 2017

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Letter to Ministers

Reply from Minister of Education

My Reply to Minister of Education

Second Reply from Minister of Education

My Second Reply to Minister of Education

Substantive Reply from Minister of Education

My Letter to Ombudsman


(Open Letter to the Ministers of Education and Tertiary Education)


Dear Nikki Kaye and Paul Goldsmith,


As a mature student at Victoria University of Wellington, I have witnessed how its student body seems to be in the process of becoming a male-free environment. Moreover, there seems to be no obvious feeling that this situation is in any way abnormal and it seems to be a feature of Western countries. In addition, since Feminism dominates the education system, the media, the public service and Parliament, the only explanations for this phenomenon which receive any publicity are ones which are compatible with Feminism.

However, there are many problems in Society which are caused by Feminism, but which are analysed by the dominant Feminists in ways that (of course) shy away from criticising Feminist itself!


The issues of girls in schools and of boys in schools, in that historical order, have received a lot of attention. These issues have had their flow-on effects on the universities and (presumably) on other tertiary institutions. I have been a teacher (mostly at the secondary level) and a long-time student at the tertiary level. This gives me some insights, I believe.

Some articles by Fergusson et al. provide valuable objective evidence from longitudinal studies about the causes of the current dominance of female studentss in the higher education system.

  1. Fergusson et al. (1991) state, in relation to eight to eleven-year-old children, "... in the areas of reading and written expression teachers showed consistent tendencies to evaluate the performance of girls more favourably than the boys even after adjustment for gender differences in objective test scores were (sic) made"(op cit, abstract).

  2. Fergusson et al. (1997) find, unsurprisingly, that "Throughout the school career of this cohort males achieved less well than females" (op cit, abstract). They also find that "... the higher rate of educational under-achievement in males was adequately explained by gender related differences in classroom behaviours with males being more prone to disruptive and inattentive classroom behaviours that appeared to impede male learning and lead to a male eduational disadvantage" (op cit, abstract). However, the data on classroom behaviour was provided by teachers, and we have already seen that there is evidence that teachers evaluate the performance of girls more favourably than the boys, which means that they cannot be expected to reliably evaluate the behaviour of girls and boys, unless they can be proved to be reliable in that regard.

  3. Gibb, Fergusson et al. (2008) find as follows: "At coeducational schools, there was a statistically significant gap favouring females, while at single-sex schools there was a non-significant gap favouring males. This pattern was apparent for educational achievement both at high school and in tertiary education. These results indicate that single-sex schooling may mitigate male disadvantages in educational achievement" (op cit, abstract)


As is well known, female teachers now outnumber male teachers in the school system. I think it is also obvious (although I do not have any data on this) that there are proportionately more male teachers in single-sex boys' schools than there are in coeducational schools.

Based on the above information, it is reasonable to conclude that:


  1. Female teachers are biased against boys and rate their achievement and behaviour as worse than that of girls for that reason.

  2. This anti-male bias is exacerbated by Feminism, which is a philosophy that demonises males and makes females into automatic victims.

  3. This causes boys to perform worse than girls in the education system.

  4. Boys perform better in single-sex schools than in coeducational schools because single-sex boys' schools have fewer anti-male teachers in them.





Fergusson, D. M., M. Lloyd and L.J. Horwood (1991): "Teacher Evaluations of the Performance of Boys and Girls." New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1991: 155-163.

Fergusson, D. M. and L.J. Horwood (1997): "Gender Differences in Educational Achievement in a New Zealand Birth Cohort." New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 32 No. 1, 1997: 83-96.

Gibb, S. J., D.M. Fergusson and L.J. Horwood (2008): "Effects of single-sex and coeducational schooling on the gender gap in educational achievement." Australian Journal of Education, Vol. 52, No. 3, 2008: 301-317.


In due course, I received the following reply from the Minister of Education's office:


Subject: RE: Female Teachers Oppress Male Students
From: Otene Wharerau <Otene.Wharerau2@parliament.govt.nz>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2017 23:12:36 +0000
To:"'peter@zohrab.name'" <peter@zohrab.name>

Tena koe Peter

On behalf of Hon Nikki Kaye, Minister of Education I acknowledge your email.

Your comments have been noted.

The matter you have raised falls within the portfolio responsibilities of the Hon Paul Goldsmith, Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment. Therefore your email has been transferred to Minister Goldsmith's office for consideration.

Meitaki ma’ata

Otene Wharerau| Acting Private Secretary | Office of the Hon Nikki Kaye


I then replied to the Minister of Education as follows:



Dear Nikki Kaye,


Thank you for your reply.

My email of 2nd August 2017 focussed on the influence of the predominantly female workforce in schools on the performance of boys in schools. Therefore I fail to see why it falls within the portfolio responsibilities of the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment.

Could you please either explain why it falls within his portfolio responsibilities or provide a response yourself to the issues which my email raised?


Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab


In due course, I received the following reply:


Letter from Minister of Education 11.9.2017



I replied as follows:


Dear Nikki Kaye,


Thank you for your letter dated 11 Sep 2017. It was good to learn about the Education Ministry's Success For Boys website, which was news to me. I suppose we have former Minister Hekia Parata to thank for that website, since you have not been Minister for long. I don't know if it has received enough publicity, which is presumably the fault of the Feminist media, as usual.

However, you, as a female, have exhibited an unprofessional and even hostile attitude to this issue, which is exactly how many female teachers behave. The Feminist media are relentlessly pursuing a campaign to get women employed in every nook and cranny of society (except the dirty and dangerous ones), yet the behaviour of female teachers, females in the media and female politicians shows that "empowering" women just allows them to oppress males more effectively.

  1. First you tried to fob me off onto the Minister for Tertiary Education and it took a further letter from me to provoke a substantive reply from you on the issue.

  2. Then, in your substantive reply, you simply ignored the substantive research which I had cited. Since your Government includes a Minister for Women, but no Minister for Men, your Government obviously subscibes to the religious beliefs that women are always and inevitably oppressed and that men are never and inevitably not oppressed, so that it makes you angry and confused to be presented with evidence to the contrary.

  3. Under the Official Information Act, could you please furnish me with the evidence which supports your statement that "Evidence tells us that the most important factor in lifting student achievement is the quality of the teaching rather than the gender of the teacher." For you to simply ignore my cited evidence and make a vague handwave in the direction of supposed research demonstrates your utter incompetence, lack of good faith and determination to oppress men.

  4. You then go on to compare the proportion of males among New Zealand teachers with the proportion of males among teachers in the OECD as a whole. You do not explain why you pick on the OECD, rather than the World as a whole, which would be a much more valid comparison. The Public Service routinely compares New Zealand to other OECD countries, because the Public Service has too many women in it, with the result that it is largely incapable of logical thinking. The reason that the OECD has roughly the same proportion of males amongst its teachers as New Zealand has is obviously that the same Feminist domination and propaganda are the order of the day in the OECD as a whole as in New Zealand. The same Feminist propaganda has driven women out of the home and into the workforce, the same sexism has allowed women to go into teaching, rather than into dirty and dangerous outdoor jobs such as forestry and mining and the same sexist Feminist propaganda has targetted males as potential sex abusers, whereas we now find that women are doing less hidden sex abuse in their homes and more open sex abuse in their teaching workplaces, where the sexist Feminists can't ignore it any more!

I am glad that there are single-sex schools for boys to go to. The self-centredness of New Zealand women is world-leading and you should consider banning the PPTA from schools, as it works hard to suppress males and "empower" females.


In due course I received the following substantive reply as an email:


Dear Mr Zohrab

Thank you for your email of 20 September 2017, to the Minister of Education, Hon Nikki Kaye requesting the following under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):

Under the Official Information Act, could you please furnish me with the evidence which supports your statement that "Evidence tells us that the most important factor in lifting student achievement is the quality of the teaching rather than the gender of the teacher."

As you are aware, this was transferred to the Ministry of Education on 3 October 2017.

When developing policy and guidance material, the Ministry consults a wide variety sources and evidence. This includes publicly available material. The links to these are detailed below:







You have the right to ask an Ombudsman to review this decision. You can do this by writing to info@ombudsman.parliament.nz or Office of the Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.


Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bowen St, Wellington

education.govt.nz | Follow us on Twitter: @EducationGovtNZ
We get the job done Ka oti i a matou nga mahi
We are respectful, we listen, we learn He ropu manaaki, he ropu whakarongo, he ropu ako matou
We back ourselves and others to win Ka manawanui ki a matou, me etahi ake kia wikitoria
We work together for maximum impact Ka mahi ngatahi mo te tukinga nui tonu

Great results are our bottom line Ko nga huanga tino pai a matou whainga mutunga



I then wrote to the Ombudsman as follows:



Dears sir/Madam,

Could you please review and investigate the forwarded reply (below) to my Official Information Request to the Minister of Education:

'Under the Official Information Act, could you please furnish me with
the evidence which supports your statement that "Evidence tells us that
the most important factor in lifting student achievement is the quality
of the teaching rather than the gender of the teacher."'?

The Ministry has just thrown a bunch of websites at me, instead of actually complying with the request.

Please note that I had furnished the Minister with a research-based argument to the effect that the gender of the teacher did in fact have an effect on student achievement see http://blackribboncampaign.altervista.org/femteac2.html#1stletter . The Minister or Ministry were called upon to counter that specific evidence. If they are unable to, they should admit it.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Zohrab

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: In response to your OIA 1087250
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 21:46:29 +0000
From: Enquiries National <enquiries.national@education.govt.nz>
To: Peter@Zohrab.name <Peter@Zohrab.name>

Dear Mr Zohrab

Thank you for your email of 20 September 2017, to the Minister of
Education, Hon Nikki Kaye requesting the following under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act):


/Under the Official Information Act, could you please furnish me with
the evidence which supports your statement that "Evidence tells us that
the most important factor in lifting student achievement is the quality
of the teaching rather than the gender of the teacher."/

As you are aware, this was transferred to the Ministry of Education on 3
October 2017.

When developing policy and guidance material, the Ministry consults a
wide variety sources and evidence. This includes publicly available
material. The links to these are detailed below:







You have the right to ask an Ombudsman to review this decision. You can
do this by writing to info@ombudsman.parliament.nz
<mailto:info@ombudsman.parliament.nz> or Office of the Ombudsman, PO Box
10152, Wellington 6143.


*Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
*33 Bowen St, Wellington

*education.govt.nz <http://www.education.govt.nz/> | Follow us on
Twitter: @EducationGovtNZ <https://twitter.com/mineducationnz>*
*We get the job done*/Ka oti i a matou nga mahi/
*We are respectful, we listen, we learn*/He ropu manaaki, he ropu
whakarongo, he ropu ako matou/
*We back ourselves and others to win*/Ka manawanui ki a matou, me etahi
ake kia wikitoria/
*We work together for maximum impact*/Ka mahi ngatahi mo te tukinga nui tonu

/*Great results are our bottom line*/Ko nga huanga tino pai a matou
whainga mutunga

/Ministry of Education logo <http://www.education.govt.nz/>**


In due course, I received the following letter from the Ombudsman's Office:


Not long afterwards, I received the following letter from the Ministry of Education:



See also:




Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

8 March 2018
