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Child Abuse & Sexual Abuse

(NB In the USA, adult sex with minors seems to be called "statutory rape," but that is not the case in other English-speaking countries, as far as I am aware).

Summary Haiku:

Men get less justice,
but aren't less human.
We blame sexism.


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Virtual and Actual Organisations

Abuse of children...The other part of the story

Canadian Perspective on Ch1ld Sexual Abuse Accusations in the Gender War

Charging Women for Sexual Abuse

Child-Abuse by Relationship to Perpetrator

Child Abuse -- the Respective Roles of the Genders

Child Maltreatment 1999

Domestic and Sexual Violence Data. Series: NIJ Research Report Published: July 1996

Female Soldiers Sexually Abuse Iraqi Prisoners

French Mother Admits To Raping Her Own Children

Issue of Child-Abuse

Justice for Peter Ellis

KRP Consulting

Most Ch1ld Sex-Abusers are Siblings

Mothers are Responsible for "ONLY" 55% of Child Killings

National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS)
Summary of Key Findings from Calendar Year 2000

Peter Ellis Case (New Zealand)

R v Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis

Scandal New Zealand

Sexual Abuse by Women of Children and Teenagers

Sexual Abuse by Women of Children and Teenagers (Summary)

VOCAL (Victims of Child Abuse Laws),
(1) Lot 2, Caboolture River Road, Upper Caboolture, Queensland
4510, Australia.
Ph.: (047) 822 888.
(2) PO Box 25, Katoomba, NSW 2780,
Ph.:   0247 82 3471

Printed Resources on Child Abuse


Books and Articles

AACAP Official Action (1997).
Practice parameters for the forensic evaluation of children and adolescents who may have been physically or sexually abused, Journal of American Academy of Child, adolescent Psychiatry, 36 (10), Supplement, 37S-56S.

Akoorie, Natalie (2014):
"Female teacher quits over sex inquiry"

Alder, Pol (2001)
Child victims of homicide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

American Humane Society (1991 ?):
National Study on Child Neglect and Abuse Reporting.
Cited in Statistical Abstract of the United States 1992.

Anderson, Kyle (2010):
Britney Spears Sued For Sexual Harassment:
Former bodyguard says pop singer 'made repeated unwanted sexual advances' toward him.
Sep 9 2010.

Angus G, Hall G (1996).
Child Abuse and Neglect Australia 1994-1995. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Series; no 16).

Arndt, Bettina (2014):
Mum's boyfriend - the worst sexual risk to children

Arndt, Bettina (2021):
Erasing mothers’ violence towards their children

Arndt, Bettina (2021):
High price for moral panic over historical sexual abuse

Arnold, Naomi (2013):
A secret that poisons lives: Lifting the lid on male sexual abuse

Asociacion Renuka (2004):
"Maltrato a Ninos en Occidente"

Associated Press (2017):
"Oklahoma teacher who cartwheeled without underwear given probation"

Associated Press (2019):
Michigan Supreme Court orders new trials over expert testimony
Detroit Free Press, July 14, 2019

Associated Press (2020):
UK nurse re-arrested on suspicion of murdering more than a dozen babies
One News, 12 November 2020

Australian Bureau of Statistics (1995):
Australian Social Trends 1995.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, catalogue number 4102.0, Australian Publishing Service, Canberra.

Bachaalani, Catherine (2005):
«Un mur de complète indifférence dans la société» - Jean-Pierre Gagnon

Barraclough, Corrine (2017):
"Why aren’t we talking about abusive mums?"
news.co.au June 19, 2017

Bathgate, Benn (2022):
Mum who abused, neglected then murdered her own daughter can now be named
Stuff, Jul 07 2022

BBC (2020):
Gemma Watts: Sex attacks woman posed as teenage boy
BBC, 10 January 2020

Bellett, Gerry (2008):
3 in 4 B.C. boys on street sexually exploited by women
Canwest News Service, May 27, 2008

Bermingham, Kathryn:
Adelaide teacher jailed for sex with student

Besharov, D.J. & Laumann, L. A. (1996):
Child Abuse Reporting. Social Science & Modern Society, 33(4).

Biddle, Donna-Lee (2017):
Rise of sex predator female teachers: 'This is no Romeo and Juliet romance'

Boyes, Roger(2007):
"‘Dump your children here’ box to stop mothers killing their babies" From The TimesMarch 27, 2007

Broadbent A, Bentley R (1997):
Child Abuse and Neglect Australia 1995-1996. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Catalogue No CWS 1. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (Child Welfare Series No 17).

Bunting, L. (2005):
Females who sexually offend against children: responses of the child protection and criminal justice systems. London: NSPCC. [NSPCC Policy Practice Research Series]. ISBN: 1842280546

Burdekan B.
Our Homeless Children. Report of The National Inquiry Into Homeless Children By The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra (1989)

Cambridge, Ellie (2017):
FEMALE PAEDO Woman, 35, breaks down in tears as she is jailed for grooming boy aged TWELVE for sex
The Sun, 21st September 2017

Caster, Denise (2004):
'The Truth about Michigan Womyn's Music Festival"

Cawson P., Wattam, C., Brooker, S., Kelly, G. (2000). “Child maltreatment in the United Kingdom: A study for the prevalence of child abuse and neglect.” London: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Ceci, Stephen and Bruck, Maggie (1995):
Jeopardy in the Courtroom: A Scientific Analysis of Children's Testimony. American Psychological Association.

Ceci, Stephen and Huffman, M. (1997):
How Suggestible are Pre-School Children ? Cognitive and Social Factors.
Journal of American Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36 (7): 948-958.

Child Support Action Group (CSAG Inc.), South Australia (1996):
"The Silence of the Screams: Violence by Women in Intimate Relationships",
researched by Y. Joakimidis.

Chiu, Allyson (2019):
"US man finds 'mummified' baby in mother's freezer"
Stuff, Jul 31 2019

Clarson, Anne (2015):
"Margaret Dodds attracted to pre-pubescent boys."

Coker AL, Davis KE, Arias I, Desai S, Sanderson M, Brandt HM, et al.
"Physical and mental health effects of intimate partner violence for men and women."
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002;23(4):260–8.

Collins, Simon (2018):
Female English teacher at Hastings Boys' High School deregistered after sex with student
New Zealand Herald, 5 Apr, 2018

Cooke, Ryan (2019):
St. John's teacher Krysta Grimes charged with sexual exploitation
CBC News, Aug 30, 2019

Cooney, Christy (2019):
Hellish Death: Baby died in ‘horror and pain’ with 89 injuries on his first birthday after being ‘sexually tortured by monster mother and her boyfriend’
The Sun, 29 Aug 2019

Cooney, Christy (2019):
Perv Miss Caged Married teaching assistant , 43, dubbed ‘Mrs Robinson’ who groomed pupil, 15, and booked hotel room is jailed for two years
The Sun, 2 Sep 2019

Cornish, Sophie (2020):
Taita College sex ed adviser 'groomed' student for relationship; school accused of not acting fast enough
Stuff, Nov 02 2020

Crane-Newman, Molly (2018):
Bronx teacher who performed 0ral sex on 14-year-old gets 10 years probation, avoids jail, keeps teaching certificate
New York Daily News, September 13, 2018

Crewdson, Patrick (2007):
Female counsellor had sex with girl
New Zealand: The Dominion Post, Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Daily Mail (2017):
Teacher banned for life after orgy and pays $24k in 'silence money'

Daily Mail (2019):
Video: Woman arrested after allegedly raping four-year-old boy
Sep 1st 2019

Dalley, Dr. Marlene L. (1997 & 2000):
"The Killing of Canadian Children by (a) Parent(s) or Guardian(s): Characteristics and Trends 1990-1993."
Ottawa: Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Daly, Martin, and Wilson, Margo (1987):
"Children as Homicide Victims", in: Gelles, Richard J. and Jane B. Lancaster (eds.), Child Abuse and Neglect: Biosocial Dimensions, 1987, New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Daly Martin, Wilson, Margo (1988):
"Homicide". Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter.

Daly, Wilson (1994)
Some differential attributes of lethal assaults on small children by stepfathers versus genetic fathers. In Ethology and Sociobiology, 15 (pp. 207-217).

Daly M, Wilson M.
Discriminate Parental Solicitude: A Biological Perspective. 42 Journal of Marriage and The Family (1980).

Daly M, Wilson M. (1980):
"Discriminate Parental Solicitude: A Biological Perspective". 42 Journal of Marriage and The Family.

Daly, Wilson (1988):
"Parent-Offspring Homicides in Canada", 1974-1983. In Science, vol. 242. pp. 519-524 .

Davis, John (2019?):
Exposing Female ch1ld sex Offenders [FCSO]

Denov, Myriam S. (2004):
"Perspectives on Female Sex Offending: a culture of denial", Aldershot: Ashgate.

DiManno, Rosie (2018):
Court says ‘pedophilia does not apply’ — because perpetrator is a woman
The Star, Oct. 25, 2018

Ditson J, Shay S (1984).
Use of Home–Based Microcomputers To Analyse Community Data From Reported Cases On Child Abuse And Neglect
Child Abuse And Neglect, 8, 503–509.

Dominion Post & The Times (2004):
"Judges on trial as abuse case crashes." Wellington, New Zealand. Dominion Post 28 May 2004.

Dominion Post (2005):
"Woman admits sex charge." Wellington, New Zealand. Dominion Post 9 December 2005.

Drake, Michael L.:
"By Fear and Fallacy: The repression of reason and public good by the anti-smacking lobby in New Zealand"

Du Chateau, Carroll (1993):
"Is the ch1ld sex abuse industry telling the truth?" Metro, Auckland, March; 72-78.

Duff, Michelle (2010):
Research prompts fresh Ellis pardon bid
The Dominion Post 28 December 2010.

Eder, Jennifer (2019):
Former teacher had sex with students in back seat of car
Stuff, Oct 29 2019

Elliot, Michelle (ed.) (1995?):
"Female Sexual Abuse of Children: The Ultimate Taboo". London: Longmans.

Emery R. (1989):
"Abused and Neglected Children". 44(2) The American Psychologist (1989) pp 321-328.

Family Conflict Resolution Services (2004):
"Understanding and Effectively Dealing with Hostile-Aggressive Parenting"

Farberov, Snejana (2018):
Teacher 'who had sex with 14-year-old student' released on bond
Daily Mail, 3 March 2018

Farberov, Snejana (2019):
Female owner, 27, of illegal day care is found guilty of beating a four-month-old boy so badly he was left BLIND and brain-damaged
Daily Mail, 23 January 2019

Farrow, Lauren (2013):
"Boy asked for maths help, teacher gave sex"

Feek, Belinda (2013):
Jail for woman who had sex with boy, 13

Fergusson, D., Lynskey, M. & Horwood, J. (1996):
"Childhood Sexual Abuse and Psychiatric Disorder in Young Adulthood I:
Prevalence of Sexual Abuse and Factors Associated with Sexual Abuse".
Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 34(10): 1355-1364.

Finkelhor D (1980).
Risk factors in the sexual victimization of children, Child Abuse, Neglect, 7, 133-146. 106.

Finkelhor, Russell (1984)
“Women as perpetrators.” In D. Finkelhor (Ed.) Ch1ld Sexual abuse: New theory and research (pp. 171-187). New York: The Free Press.

Fisher, David (2013):
Woman, 36, bears child of 11-year-old boy

Fisher, James (2015):
Ex-Ravens cheerleader sentenced for rape of 15-year-old boy
USA Today, August 21, 2015

Ford, Hannah (2006):
"Women Who Sexually Abuse Children", Chichester: Wiley.

Foster, Ally (2019):
Teacher resigns after allegedly sending nudes to student

Fox News (2017):
Married Teacher Had Sex With Four Of Her Students

FOX 11 News (2019):
"Green Bay high school staff member arrested on sexual assault of a child charges"
Fox 11 News, August 22nd 2019.

Franklin, Robert (2009):
A Media Star 2 Years Ago, False Accuser Megan Williams Comes Clean
October 22nd, 2009

Franklin, Robert (2009):
Harm to Boys and Leniency Toward their Female Abusers in Australia
October 26th, 2009

Franklin, Robert (2010):
Mother Who Strangled Her Daughter Walks Free
July 19th, 2010

Fromuth, M., Burkhart, B.:
Childhood Sexual Victimization Among College Men: Definitions and Methological Issues. Violence and Victim. 1987. Volume 2. No 4. pp. 241-253.

Fruen, Lauren & Jones, Mydrim (2017):
Maths teacher who had sex with TWO pupils – including on a trip with one boy’s family – avoids jail

Gavin, Helen (2009):
Mummy wouldn’t do that” the perception and construction of the female ch1ld sex abuser. In: Evil, Women and the Feminine, 1-3 May 2009, Budapest, Hungary.
http://eprints.hud.ac (dot) uk/4503/

Gay, Edward (2020):
Mother told friend she was abusing baby weeks before causing her brain damage
Stuff, Mar 12 2020

Gelles R.J. (Oct 1988). Child abuse and violence in single–parent families: parent absence and economic depravation, American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry, 9 (4), 492–501.

Goodard C R., Hiller P C. Tracking Physical and Sexual Abuse Cases From A Hospital Setting Into Victoria’s Criminal Justice and Child Protection Systems: A Report For The Victorian Law Foundation. Vol 1-3 Department of Social Work and Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University Melbourne (1992).

Gordon, Michael and Susan Creighton (1988):
Natal and Non-Natal Fathers as Sexual Abusers in the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis.
Journal of Marriage and the Family 50 (February 1988).

Gregory, Julie (2004):
"Sickened: The Memoir of a Munchhause by Pr0xy Childhood." USA: Bantam.

Greif J B, Simuring S K.
Remarriage and Joint Custody. 20 Conciliation Courts Review (1982).

Harper, Jonathon (2003):
"Critique of the Eichelbaum Report and Matters arising from the Ellis Convictions"

Harrop, Elizabeth Willmott(2010):
She-wolves in sheeps' clothing
2 September 2010

Heath, Sally (1996): "Betraying the trust of children", 26/04/1996, Australia: The Age.

Hetherton, J. & Beardsall, L. (1988).
" Decisions and attitudes concerning ch1ld sexual abuse: Does the gender of the perpetrator make a difference to child protection professionals?"
Child Abuse & Neglect, 22(12), 1265-1283.

Hindmarch, Brian:
"A Canadian Perspective on Ch1ld Sexual Abuse Accusations in the Gender War"

Hodges E. (1982):
Adolescents’ Post-Divorce Relationships With Parents and Step-Parents: A Melbourne Study,
from Willcott I. Parenting After Separation.

Hughes, Dave (2017):
Arkansas woman gets 60 years for performing sex acts on infant, providing girl for lover to molest
Arkansas Democrat Gazette, August 24, 2017

Hunter, Brad (2019):
Vice principal had sex with teen six times: Cops
Toronto Sun, October 7, 2019

Iaria, Melissa (2009):
Woman, 41, had sex with boy, 14: court
Thu Oct 29 2009.

Indian Express (2006):
"Mother kills 1-day-old baby girl, says ‘bad omen, didn’t want her’" February 08, 2006

Institute For The Prevention Of Child Abuse (1994):
Report on Ontario Incidence Study Of Reported Child Abuse And Neglect.

Joe (2018):
Mother Stabbed Infant 90 Times With Scissors For Biting While Breastfeeding

Johnson, KC (2018):
Double Standards in NYU Sex Abuse Case
Minding the Campus, August 25, 2018

Jordan Institute for Families (2000):
Do We Treat Female Sexual Offenders Differently?

Kapitan, Craig (2022):
The mother who deliberately poisoned her toddler son: 'She's making out like nothing happened'
NZ Herald, 10 Jan 2022

Kraft, Dina (2018):
Sisters Who Accuse Australian Principal of Sexual Assault Herald Her Arrest in Israel as ‘Important Breakthrough’

Lane, Mary Beth (2008);
Boy's parents sue to get his baby from mom, 21
The Columbus Dispatch Saturday August 16, 2008.

LCN (2005):
"Une gardienne est condamnée à cinq ans de prison"

Leventhal (1990) “Epidemiology of ch1ld sexual abuse”. In R. K. Oates (Ed.), Understanding and managing ch1ld sexual abuse (pp. 18-42). Sydney; Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Lichfield, John (2004):
Child abuse trial's collapse pitches French justice system into crisis
UK, The Independent, 20 May 2004.

MacMillan HL, MacMillan JH, Offord D (1993). Periodic health examination, 1993. Update 1 – Primary prevention of child maltreatment, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 148, 151-163.

Madeira, Virginie (2008?):
"J'ai menti" Editions Stock.

Marie Claire Magazine (2000):
"The Last Taboo". - Issue UK March 2000.

Marx (2011):
Female Sex Offenders Conceal Themselves Through Societal Misandry

Mattkin, Holly (2018):
Female Teacher Actually Gets Serious Prison Time For Sex With Student

MBL News (2019):
Mãe que matou filho por ele ser gay é condenada a 25 anos de prisão
MBL News, 28/11/2019

McCloskey, Jimmy (2019):
Baby ‘sexually tortured by mother and her boyfriend’ died ‘in horror and pain’ on his first birthday
Metro, 7 Aug 2019

McCloskey, Jimmy (2019):
Woman ‘filmed herself raping boy, 14, then made him sell drugs for her’
Metro, 18 Dec 2019

McLean, Glenn (2007):
Woman who had sex with 13-year-old boy avoids jail - Taranaki Daily News Friday, 1 June 2007.

McLoughlin, David (1997):
To be Male is to Beware. Auckland, New Zealand. North and
South Magazine, August 1997.

McLoughlin, David (2002):
"The Taboo Question". Wellington, New Zealand: "The Dominion" April 11th 2002.

McLoughlin, David (2002):
" 'Tough' Sex Abuse Line Rejected". Wellington, New Zealand: "The Dominion" April 11th 2002.

Men's Rights Agency (2003):
Just who is assaulting our children?

Miller, Joshua Rhett (2018):
Teacher blames 15-year-old student victim for affair
New York Post, December 7, 2018

Morgan, Jenny (2002):
Who Kills Whom and Why: Looking beyond Legal Categories. University of Melbourne. Published by the Victorian Law Reform Commission.

Mouzos, Jenny (2000):
"Homicidal encounters : a study of homicide in Australia" 1989-1999. ISBN 0 642 24165 1 ; ISSN 1326-6004 Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Murphy-Bates, Sebastian (2018):
Drunk seductress, 36, who forced herself on a 14-year-old boy then falsely accused him of rape when he reported her is jailed for more than four years
Mailonline, Daily Mail Australia, 21 August 2018.

Mussen, Deidre (2015):
Female teacher got pregnant to schoolboy, court is told

Nagi, Saad (1977):
Child Maltreatment in the United States.  New York: Columbia University Press .

New Zealand Herald (2006):
NZer's appeal against paedophile conviction 'granted'
New Zealand Herald 11.03.06

New Zealand Herald (2016):
Teacher aide guilty of sex with 14-year-old

New Zealand Herald (2017):
Teacher admits to having sex with students, sending nude pics on Snapchat, police say

New Zealand Herald (2018):
Texts reveal teacher allegedly lured 13-year-old student into sex
New Zealand Herald, 19 December 2018

New Zealand Herald (2019):
Marlborough Boys' College sex allegations: Woman arrested
NZ Herald, 25 Jul, 2019

New Zealand Herald (2021):
"Sydney teacher Monica Young groomed schoolboy on social media before sex abuse."
New Zealand Herald, 11 Jul, 2021

New Zealand Press Association (2004):
Baby severely brain damaged after alleged assault
23 November 2004

New Zealand Press Association (2005):
"No men near kids policy criticised." The Dominion Post, November 30th, 2005.

New Zealand Press Association (2006):
"Teachers' physical contact rules relaxed"
26 September 2006

New Zealand Press Association (2007):
Woman, 27, jailed for sexual affair with boy, 14, New Zealand Herald, September 19, 2007

New Zealand Press Association (2009):
Baby on plane charges `likely' 20/03/2009

Newshub (2017):
"Woman in BMW tries to abduct North Shore schoolboy." 30 May 2017.

Newstalk ZB (2006):
Smacking may be beneficial. Oct 7, 2006

Nightingale, Melissa (2016):
Teacher at Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate School in Auckland has sex with student
New Zealand Herald, 19 December 2016.

Nine Digital Pty Ltd (2017):
Sydney Grammar School teacher who had sex with student warned about behaviour ‘several times’

NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (2005):
"Trends and Patterns in Domestic Violence." Media Release, 27 October 2005. http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/bocsar/ll_bocsar.nsf/pages/bocsar_mr_cjb89

NZ Newswire (2012):
Detention for woman who had sex with boys
January 24, 2012

Orenstein, Peggy (2018):
Boys Often Don’t Recognize When They’ve Been Sexually Assaulted

Otago Daily Times (2012):
Children most often killed by mothers

Otago Daily Times (2020):
Woman, 20, sentenced for sex with 15-year-old boy

Owens, Eric (2014):
Summer Of Love Ends For 13-Year-Old Boy And The Teacher Arrested For Banging Him

Paris Match (2020):
La professeure avait des relations sexuelles avec ses élèves
Paris Match, 24/01/2020

Perlmutter LH, Engel T, Sager CJ (1982).
The incest taboo: loosened sexual boundaries in remarried families, Journal of Sex, Marital Therapy, 8 (2):83-96.

Perrie, Stewart (2018):
"Why Is There A Double Standard When Female Teachers Have Sex With Students?"

Phillips, Melanie (2000):
“Man beaters behind closed doors” The Sunday Times, London, November 19 2000.

Polk, K. and Adler, C. (2001):
“Child Victims of homicide”.

Quilliam, Rebecca (2014):
Teacher who had sex with ex-student banned

Radio New Zealand (2015):
Social worker pestered boy for sex, court hears

Raguse, Lou (2018):
Daycare provider who hanged toddler in her basement sentenced to probation
KARE-TV, 17 July, 2018

Rantzen, Esther (2009):
Gender-blindness on ch1ld sexual abuse, The Guardian, 9 November 2009.

Riotta, Chris (2020):
Assistant principal accused of raping 16-year-old avoids jail
The Independent, February 15, 2020

Rizzo, Tony (2007):
"Vixen or Vampire?" New Zealand: Investigate magazine, Vol. 7, Issue 78, July 2007.

Roberts, Rachel (2017):
Female student, 20, charged with rape over 'relationship' with 14-year-old boy
The Independent, 24 July 2017

Robin, Marie-Monique (2006):
"L'école du soupçon. Les dérives de la lutte contre la pédophilie." Ed. La Découverte.

Rogers, Jon (2019):
Female Paedo British mum, 26, raped kids and took indecent images before boasting in ‘exceptionally graphic’ detail about sex abuse online
The Sun, 10 Aug 2019

Rossetti, Chris (2019):
Simone de Beauvoir, Pervert
National Vanguard, 27 August, 2019

Russell D (1983).
’The incidence and prevalence of intrafamilial sexual abuse of female children’, Child Abuse and Neglect, 7 (2), 133-76.

Russell, Diana E H (1984):
The Prevalence and Seriousness of Incestuous Abuse: Stepfathers vs. Biological Fathers.
Child Abuse and Neglect Vol. 8 pp.15-22 .

Russell (1989)
The secret trauma: Incest in the lives of girls and women. New York, Basic Books.

Sacks, Glenn (2007):
Outrage--Woman Leaves Her Toddler in Car for 8 Hours on Hot Day While at Work, Child Dies, She's Not Charged

Samander, Lema (2015):
Pogo stick death: Mum pleads guilty to manslaughter of her seven-year-old son in Oatley
The Daily Telegraph, April 01, 2015

Satherely, Dan (2020):
Woman assaults boy at west Auckland intermediate school
Newshub, 11/11/2020

Seven News (2024):
Sydney high school teacher Tayla Brailey charged with new offences against a student
7 News, Sunday 18 August 2024

Shapira, Ian (2015?):
Autistic Md. boy says he wants to resume relationship with girls accused of abusing him

Shaykhet, Simon (2019):
Female teachers caught having sex with male students; How to protect children
WXYZ, Jan 23, 2019

Sheridan, Michael (2011):
Mom Julie Carr gets 20 years for sexually abusing own daughter in video chats with British teen
New York Daily News March 16th 2011

Shrum, Jennifer (2018):
Dallas teacher's aide gets 60 years in sex abuse case involving 11-year-old boy

Sims, Paul (2008):
'He seduced you': Married housewife who had sex with boy, 14, walks free from court after judge's extraordinary ruling." UK: Daily Mail, 14 October 2008.

Sokmensuer, Harriet (2020):
Pa. Boy, 7, Dies and Mom Is Charged — and Aunt Says Dad Was Desperately Trying to Get Custody
people.com, April 16, 2020

Sokmensuer, Harriet (2020):
Psychologist Wash. Mom Murders Twin 7-Year-Old Daughters While They Slept Before Killing Herself
People, October 27, 2020

Southland Times (2007):
"Woman Guilty of Sex with Boys."
Reprinted in The Dominion Post,
Wellington, New Zealand, 27 March 2007.

Statistical Abstract of the United States 1987 (table 277).

Statistical Abstract of the United States (1992):
"Table No. 301. Child Maltreatment Cases Reported -- Summary: 1976 to 1986"
(NB.: Editions after 1992 have censored out the sex of the perpetrator, because this was predominantly female.)
Source: "National Study on Child Neglect and Abuse Reporting" American Humane Society (1991 ?).

Stead, R. M. (2002):
Foundation calls for Research into Causes of Suicide and Child Abuse.

Stemple, Lara & Ilan H. Meyer (2017):
Sexual Victimization by Women Is More Common Than Previously Known
Scientific American, October 10, 2017

Stemple, Lara, Andrew Flores & Ilan H. Meyer (2017):
Sexual Victimization perpetrated by women: Federal data reveal surprising prevalence
Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 34, May 2017, Pages 302-311

Stewart, Cameron (2016):
Call for Israel to hand over alleged child abuser Malka Leifer
The Australian, June 4, 2016

Steward, Ian (2015):
Female social worker accused of having sex with teenage boy
Stuff.co.nz, May 28 2015

Stirling, Pamela (1996):
The Last Taboo: Sexual Abuse of Children By Women -- a Secret Crime Is Now On The Rise. New Zealand Listener, June 1, 1996.

Strang (1995)
“Child abuse homicides in Australia: Incidence, circumstances, prevention and control.” In D. Chappell and S. Egger (Eds.) Australian Violence: Contemporary Perspectives II (pp. 71-86), Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Strutt, Jessica (2009):
"Mum, not dad, more likely to neglect kids", The West Australian, September 23, 2009.

Stuff (2006):
"Woman sentenced for sex with boy" stuff.co.nz 18 January 2006

Stuff (2007):
Suspended sentence for Aussie woman's sex with boy
Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Tahana, Jamie and Cardwell, Hamish (2022):
Supreme Court quashes Peter Ellis' ch1ld sex offence convictions

Television New Zealand (2009):
Woman had history of luring children

Television New Zealand (2022):
Doctor Strange actress found guilty of ch1ld sex offences

Theodoulou, Mike (2004):
Female Soldiers Sexually Abuse Iraqi Prisoners. The Scotsman, May 1st, 2004

The Press (2004):
"MP names doctor accused of health-camp abuse"
The Christchurch Press, New Zealand, 13 May 2004

The Press (2007):
Woman jailed for having sex with 14, 15 -year-olds
Christchurch, New Zealand, Saturday, 7 April 2007

Thompson, Angus (2018):
NSW mother had sex with her young children to win over men online
Sydney Morning Herald, 1 October 2018

Thompson, Keith (2006):
"Sharing the Blame for Child Abuse."

Tomlinson, Stuart (2015):
Stephanie McCrea, Vancouver teacher accused of child rape, appears in court

Tron, Gina (2019):
Former Elementary School Nurse Admits To Sexually Abusing Student And Giving Him Hush Money
August 12, 2019

Trotter, Chris (2003):
"A question for Phil Goff."
The Dominion Post, Wellington, New Zealand, 4 July 2003.

Trusdell, Brian (2020):
Teen Sexually Abused by Female Teacher Says He Sleeps With Knife Because of What She Did to Him
Pluralist, Mar 14, 2020

TVNZ (2018):
Married and pregnant teacher who had sex with 15-year-old student at his home multiple times given prison sentence

TVNZ (2018):
House mistress who had sex with five students at high school handed 'extraordinarily lenient' sentence by Sydney judge

Underwager, Ralph and Hollida Wakefield (1995 ?):
Special Problems with Sexual Abuse Cases.
In J. Ziskin (ed.), Coping with psychiatric and psychological testimony, Supplement to the Fifth Edition (pp. 136-147). Los Angeles, CA: Law and Psychology Press.

US Children’s Bureau statistics (2002): http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb/publications/cm02/chapterthree.htm/perps

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: "Child Maltreatment 2002." Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb/publications/cm02/index.htm

US Department of Health and Human Services (2002):
National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS)
"Summary of Key Findings from Calendar Year 2000." Children's Bureau Administration on Children, Youth and Families

Varandani, Suman (2019):
Mother Chokes Toddler On Video, Sends Recording To Child's Father As Threat

Vernalls, Richard (2019):
Louise Porton who murdered her two daughters for getting in way of her sex life is jailed for 32 years
Wales Online, 2 Aug 2019

Waikato Times (2010):
"Female Teacher Resigns After Allegations."
Wellington: Dominion Post, 11 August 2010.

Watkins, Tracy & NZPA (2003):
"Sex law change protects boys"
Wednesday, 10 December 2003

Welch, Denis (1994):
When Mother Love Turns Lethal in: New Zealand Listener, December 10-16, 1994.

WHAS11 (2019):
Indiana teacher charged with possession of child p0rn had inappropriate relationships, conversations with current and former students
WHAS11, January 26, 2019

Wilkinson, James (2017):
"Canadian teacher, 36, jailed for sexually assaulting young boys"

Wilson, Marc (? author not certain ?):
Peter Ellis Case

Wilson M, Daly M. (1987):
The Risk of Maltreatment of Children Living with Stepparents. In R J Gelles, J B Lancaster (Editors), Child Abuse and Neglect: Biosocial Dimensions, Foundations of Human Behaviour. Aldine de Gruyter, New York (1987) pp 215-232.

WLBT Digital (2020):
Ex-Child Protection Services employee charged with sex crimes against children
WLBT, September 25, 2020

Wright, Matthew (2021):
"Substitute teacher, 25, is charged with raping her eighth-grade student after the 15-year-old's mom found photos and videos of the two together on the boy's phone"
Daily Mail, 7 January 2021

Young, Sarah (2017):
Female Sex Offenders are More Common than You Think, Reveals Study
The Independent, 13 July 2017

Zohrab, Peter:
"False Accusations and the Child-Abuse Lie". Chapter 5 of "Sex, Lies & Feminism".

Zohrab, Peter:
"Acusações falsas e a mentira do abuso das crianças"
Capitulo 5 de: Sexo, Mentiras e Feminismo
(O tradutor: Jacinto Castanho)

Zohrab, Peter (2003):
Penis Envy, Breast-Feeding, and Ch1ld Sexual Abuse

Zohrab, Peter (2004):
Kiwi Mums Teach Girls to Stone Boys

Zohrab, Peter (2004):
Open Letter to Health and Disability Commissioner

Zohrab, Peter (2007):
Males Suffer Horrific Rate of Psychological Abuse.


Sexual & Child Abuse Links

Links in Alphabetical Groups



Affidavit of Ralph C. Underwager, Ph. D.

Affidavit of Ralph Underwager, Ph.D.

alt.mens-rights FAQ

Antisexuality and Ch1ld Sexual Abuse

Application of Images

Arrest warrant out for woman who preyed on boys via social media

Aussie nude pic suspect indicted in US



'Best of the best' teacher charged over 'sex with student'

Boy's parents sue to get his baby from mom, 21


Cairns mother charged with eight counts of murder

California Social Workers Accused of Child Abuse

Canadian Perspective on Ch1ld Sexual Abuse Accusations in the Gender War

Child Abuse

Child-Abuse by Relationship to Perpetrator

Child-Abuse Statistics

Child abuse trial's collapse pitches French justice system into crisis

Child Maltreatment 1999

Children most often killed by mothers

Critique of the Eichelbaum Report and Matters arising from the Ellis Convictions

Cycle of sexual abuse (FTP file)


Differentiating Between Parental Alienation Syndrome and Bona Fide Abuse-Neglect

Differentiating Between Parental Alienation Syndrome and Bona Fide Abuse-Neglect

Differentiating Between Parental Alienation Syndrome and Bona Fide Abuse-Neglect

"Domestic Violence" (sic) Statistics

‘Don’t tell your mummy’: Instagram model allegedly grooms 13-year-old boy


Eleven-year-old stripped naked, bullying videotaped


Factitious Disorder By Pr0xy/Munchausen By Pr0xy Syndrome

"False Accusations and the Child-Abuse Lie"

Fatalities by Perpetrator Relationship, 2003

Fells Acres day-care Ritual Abuse case and the Boston press

Female paedophile, 21, is jailed for two years after she had sex with an eight-year-old boy 50 times, starting when she was 16

Female Soldiers Sexually Abuse Iraqi Prisoners

Female Teacher sent student at least 1500 texts

Female Teachers With Students

Feminists throw children under the bus

Final member of Blanchard paedophile ring convicted

Former teacher's aide gets diversion for sex with boy

French Mother Admits To Raping Her Own Children



Hungarian Workshop on Ch1ld Sexual Abuse


Institute for Psychological Therapies

Institute for Psychological Therapies Library

Interview with the BBC's Panorama Programme

Issues In Child Abuse Accusations

Issue of Child-Abuse


Jeopardy in the Courtroom

Jim Wade

Journal: Issues In Child Abuse Accusations

Justice for Peter Ellis


Killing of Canadian Children by a Parent(s) or Guardian(s): Characteristics and Trends 1990-1993


L'enfer, c'est ma mère.


Misinterpretation of a Primary Prevention Effort

Most Ch1ld Sex-Abusers are Siblings

Mother lied about children’s injuries

Mother poisons four children after brawl with hubby

Mother who killed tot is sentenced

Mothers Are the Champion Child Abusers

Motion for Videotaping all Contacts with Child

MP names doctor accused of health-camp abuse



National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) Summary of Key Findings from Calendar Year 2000

No jail term for child abuser

Normative Sexual Behavior in Children

Normative Sexual Behavior in Children

NZ woman jailed for sex with boy


Online predator Natalia Burgess jailed 26 months

Online video shows Fort Myers boy being bullied (Jun 01, 2011)

Out of Control



Pregnant former teacher jailed after having sex with teen student in school storage cupboard

Psychology Degree Guide: Munchausen Syndrome



R v Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis


Scandal New Zealand

Seminar on Ch1ld Sexual Abuse

Sex law change protects boys

Sexual Abuse by Women of Children and Teenagers

Sexual Abuse by Women of Children and Teenagers (Summary)

Sexual assault of children by females

Special Problems with Sexual Abuse Cases (Supplement)

Special Problems with Sexual Abuse Cases

Status of Children in Oregon's Child Protection System 2005

Supreme Court quashes Peter Ellis' ch1ld sex offence convictions


Teacher said affair with pupil made her feel 'special'

Truth about Child Abuse

Two teachers accused of group sex with student

Tyranny of the Therapeutic State



Victims by Perpetrator Relationship, 2006

VOCAL (Victims of Child Abuse Laws)


When Girls Do It: An Examination of Female Sexual Offenders (2002) (TV)

Woman avoids jail after having sex with four underage boys

Woman who had baby after sleeping with son's young friend pleads guilty








Peter Douglas Zohrab

Latest Update

5 December 2024
